- Altogether, 239 Falun Gong practitioners killed themselves in order to "enter the heaven". 合计共有239名“法轮功”练习者为了上“天国”自杀身亡。
- Secondly,Li has made up many antiscience and anti-human civilization absurdities in an attempt to deceive and control Falun Gong practitioners. 第二,李洪志编造了许多反科学、亵渎人类文明的胡言乱语,蒙骗和控制“法轮功”修炼者。
- He boasted so much that even I was once cheated.He bragged that Falun Gong practitioners have amounted to 60 millions. 特别是李洪志敢于吹牛,吹大牛,吹超级大牛,使人们上当,连我也曾上当。
- Li has made up many antiscience and anti-human civilization absurdities in an attempt to deceive and control Falun Gong practitioners. 李洪志编造了许多反科学、亵渎人类文明的胡言乱语,蒙骗和控制“法轮功”修炼者。
- What is most flagrant is that Li Hongzhi stigmatized those Falun Gong practitioners died from his fallacies to be "demons interference with Dafa". 尤其令人不能容忍的是,李洪志反而诬蔑那些死亡于他的邪说的练习者是“魔在破坏大法”。
- The evil ideas and fallacies of Li Hongzhi's Falun Dafa have made some Falun Gong practitioners confused and paranoid,and have even got some of them into perversion. 李洪志的法轮大法歪理邪说使一些法轮功练习者产生迷惑、恐惧心理,甚至使一些人沦于执迷状态。
- The evil ideas and fallacies of Li Hongzhi's Falun Dafa have made some Falun Gong practitioners confused and paranoid, and have even got some of them into perversion. 李洪志的法轮大法歪理邪说使一些法轮功练习者产生迷惑、恐惧心理,甚至使一些人沦于执迷状态。
- He has deceived Falun Gong practitioners into believing that he has many versions of self to protect them and he has installed a wheel of law in the belly of his followers in an attempt to control their mind. 他欺骗“法轮功”修炼者说,他有无数个法身可以保护他们,他给每个修炼者肚子里装上了“法轮”,以此从精神上控制修炼“法轮功”的人。
- Then they fabricated the story that the Chinese Government planned to reduce its trade surplus by US$500 million in exchange for extraditing Li Hongzhi back to China and thereby instigated Falun Gong practitioners to oppose the Government. 后来,他们又制造出所谓“政府想利用减少五亿美元的贸易顺差作为交换条件,引渡李洪志回国”的谎言,煽动法轮功练习者反对政府。
- Then they fabricated the story that the Chinese Government planned to reduce its trade surplus by US$500 million in exchange for extraditing Li Hongzhi back to China and thereby instigated Falun Gong practitioners to oppose the Government. 后来,他们又制造出所谓“政府想利用减少五亿美元的贸易顺差作为交换条件,引渡李洪志回国”的谎言,煽动法轮功练习者反对政府。
- Li Hongzhi surely didn't want to see that happened, therefore he instigated Falun Gong practitioners with any possible lies and trickeries to act against Marxist materialism and antitheism. 所以,他用一切谎言、骗术煽动练习者反对马克思主义的唯物论、无神论。
- Some Falun Gong practitioners acted shamelessly, and they were pulled or lifted to the police station nearby.Finally, those practitioners had to make confessions and received severe admonishment. 其中的刁蛮无赖者被“连拖带抬”送到附近的警察局,并在做了口供、笔录后受到严厉训诫。
- Former practitioners condemn Falun Gong. 前法轮功练习者谴责法轮功。
- Altogether, 239 Falun Gong practitioners killed themselves in order to "enter the heaven" 合计共有239名“法轮功”练习者为了上“天国”自杀身亡。
- According to incomplete statistics, Falun Gong has killed a total of 1,660 practitioners and innocent people. 据不完全统计,被“法轮功”害死的练习者和无辜人员迄今已达1660人。
- In order to sell out the tickets, Falun Gong undersold them while many practitioners bought some tickets with their own money and then gave them to passer-bys on the streets. 2007“新唐人圣诞晚会”黯然收场,惨淡落幕。
- Mr Tung said he sees no reason at this stage to outlaw Falun Gong. 董建华表示现阶段无须立法取缔法轮功。
- Some have committed suicide or become psychotic after practicing Falun Gong. 有的因练法轮功自杀身亡或精神失常。
- Some have committed suicide or become psychotic after practicing Falun Gong. 有的因练法轮功自杀身亡或精神失常。
- "There was a Falun Gong tutors meeting at Beijing on the morning of Apr.24. “4月24日早上,北京有个辅导员会议,李昌、我、纪烈武后来也去了。