- The company's welfare officer deals with employee's personal problems. 公司负责福利的工作人员处理雇员的个人问题。
- These will include benefits lean such as bonus for fertility regulation and family welfare. 实施节育补偿、家庭福利等形式的利益倾斜。
- These will include vibrant subsidy and tangible benefits such as bonus for fertility regulation and family welfare. 实施节育补偿、家庭福利、奖励优惠等形式的利益倾斜。
- This meeting is chaired by the Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 该会议由卫生和家庭福利部卫生服务总监主持。
- Tiffs kind of division is an cffective way to gain the family welfare objective function maximization. 家庭部门的生产、消费的全部活动,既是社会物质资料生产、分配、交换、消静全过程的起点,又是终点。
- "I used to be Seamen's welfare officer for many years, used to work among the Hainanese seamen, Foochow seamen, people who worked on ships. 我曾担任海员福利官多年,曾经跟海南海员、福州海员以及其他在船上工作的人打过交道。
- The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reported one case of polio, the first reported case of polio in Bangladesh since August 2000. 卫生和家庭福利部报告了1例脊髓灰质炎病例,这是2000年8月以来在孟加拉国报告的第一例脊髓灰质炎病例。
- In rural areas like Kumuli, primary health care is provided by 'health assistants', and family planning services are provided by 'family welfare assistants'. 在Kumuli这样的农村地区,初级卫生保健由“保健助理”提供,计划生育服务由“家庭福利助理”提供。
- Our Council is honored to have invited Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, Caritas - Hong Kong and Social Welfare Department to share their experiences with the sector. 本会非常荣幸得到香港家庭褔利会、香港明爱及社会褔利署答允担任分享员,以促进分享会的讨论。
- The consultancy study on Review of Family Welfare Services was completed. It recommended restructuring service delivery so that family needs could be addressed in a more holistic and cost-effective manner. 有关家庭福利服务检讨的顾问研究已经完成,研究建议重整服务模式,务求以更全面和更具成本效益的方式,照顾家庭的需要。
- They think they've found a way to put one over on the welfare office. 他们认为他们已经找到了蒙骗福利机关的途径。
- First, the Yunlin relief team offered aid to thirteen families on a list provided by the local family welfare center. 首先云林慰问团配合家扶中心所提供的名单,总计发放了十三户。
- "It is usual that poachers enter into Jarawa reserve areas to hunt wild animals," a tribal welfare officer blithely notes in an internal report on April's attack, obtained by Reuters. “偷猎者经常会为猎取野生动物闯进加洛瓦保护区。”在路透社得到的一份关于四月份袭击事件的内部调查报告中,一位部落福利官员坦率地指出。
- The main welfare office at the state capital. They considered the matter for days while I lay in bed, unable to. 福利总部,说他们再花几天时间考虑这件事。而这期间我只能躺在床上,动弹不得。
- Social Involvement/Exposures: Contact the local social welfare office and local church's activities. 社会参与/接触:接洽当地社会福利机关与教会活动。
- Colombian Institute for Family Welfare; 哥伦比亚家庭福利研究所;
- Welfare Officer (Planning & Policy) 福利员(策划及政策)
- Welfare Officer (Project & Implementation) 福利员(计划及执行)
- Welfare Officer (Implementation & Review) 福利员(执行及检讨)
- My principal concern is my family's welfare. 我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。