- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美国陆军工程兵研究与发展中心。
- CENTAG is comprised of two Bundeswehr (WG Army) Korp's, two US ARMY Corp's and a Canadian Mech Bde. 中央集团军包含了两个西德陆军军级单位,两个美国陆军军级单位,以及一个加拿大机械化旅。
- Back in the1980 s, long before opening his nightclub, he served in the US Army Signal Corps, working on the ARPANET, the military precursor to the internet. 回到20世纪80年代,早在夜总会建成前,他是美国陆军通讯兵并在ARPANET(国国防部高级研究所)作,那里是国际网络的军事先驱。
- The Tuskegee Airmen is the popular name of a group of African American pilots who flew with distinction during World War II as the 332nd Fighter Group of the US Army Air Corps. 二次大战时美方实验性的训练一批黑人战斗机飞行员,但国会中反对声浪这群黑人战斗机飞行员用行动证明自己在整个战争中,所护航的轰炸机没有一架在任务中遭敌机击落,本身亦赢得了殊荣。
- NATO's CENTAG covering the vital East-West German border is attacked. CENTAG is comprised of two Bundeswehr (WG Army) Korp's, two US ARMY Corp's and a Canadian Mech Bde. 北约中央集团军所涵盖的东西德边界要地遭到了攻击。中央集团军包含了两个西德陆军军级单位,两个美国陆军军级单位,以及一个加拿大机械化旅。
- United States Army Chemical Corps Board 美国陆军化学兵委员会
- Etymology: This phrase comes from World War II US Army slang. 词源:这个短语源于第二次世界大战时期美国军队中的俚话。
- This time around you are a Special-Ops soldier from the US army. 生活在岛上的市民会记住你做的任何事。
- The Danish Export Finance Corp. 丹麦出口融资公司。
- Everywhere US Army goes, it will overthrow monocracy. 凡是美国对外动武,叫做推翻专制,
- EDA is used in US army equipment battle performance research. EDA已应用于美军装备作战性能研究。
- Since 1930s the US Army Corps of Engineers has built and operated a string of 8 hydropower stations along the lower Columbia and Snake River and adult and juvenile salmon passages are maintained with various measures. 自20世纪30年代起,美国陆军工程师团建设并运行哥伦比亚河及斯内克河下游的8座梯级水电站,这些水电站通过各种工程措施维持鱼类洄游通道。
- Hausser's veteran units, such as II Parachute Corps and the 352nd Infantry Division, made Lieutenant-General Omar Bradley's First US Army pay for every inch of terrain it captured. 豪塞尔的老兵们,比如第2伞兵军和第352步兵师,使得奥马尔布莱德利中将的美军第1集团军每前进一步都要付出代价。
- I had worked in a shaving-brush factory, joined the US army a private. 我曾在一家胡刷厂里做过工,在美国陆军中当过二等兵。
- US Army Chemical Corps Engineering Command 美陆军化学兵工程司令部
- Brevet is a form of military commission formerly used in US armies. 名誉晋升是美军曾用的一种军衔。
- I feel greatly honored to have this opportunity to gain your insights on the future development of the US Army today. 今天有机会就美国陆军发展问题听取你的意见,我感到非常荣幸。
- After the US army entered Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, it gave a boost to the sex industry in the two places. 美军进驻波黑、科索沃后,带动了两地色情业“繁荣”。
- He has a lot of clout with the board of directors. 他对董事会有很大的影响力。
- A transport plane has crashednear a US army base in South Korea killing two American servicemen. 一架物资运输飞机在韩国的美国陆军基地坠落,造成两名美国士兵身亡。