- A hand grenade is a missile weapon. 手榴弹是一种投掷武器。
- We soon heard of the expulsion of the military adviser. 我们很快就听说了军事顾问被开除的消息。
- Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment. 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚。
- The soldier was flinging a grenade. 那个士兵正在掷手榴弹。
- An agent that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms. 驱肠虫剂,灭肠虫剂可消灭或驱除肠内寄生虫的药物
- His footstep triggered off the hand grenade. 他的脚步触发了手榴弹。
- Croft slipped a grenade out of his belt. 克洛夫特从子弹带上悄悄抽下一颗手榴弹。
- A grenade blew them both to bits. 一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。
- II. The expulsion of members (representatives). 二、会员(会员代表)之除名。
- Expulsion of an undesirable alien from a country. 把不受欢迎的外国人从国家中驱逐出去
- The time of expulsion from this shale is uncertain. 该页岩的排烃时间不太确定。
- The club faces expulsion from the football league. 这家具乐部面临被足协开除。
- Expulsion theories must allow for these variations. 排烃理论必须对这些变化做出合理的解释。
- His footsteptriggered off the hand grenade. 他的脚步触发了手榴弹。
- Sets whether chickens can drop their he grenade! 设定鸡是否能扔手雷!
- And she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade. 她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你。
- Expulsion from school is a harshform of punishment. 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚。
- Causing expulsion of intestinal worms;anthelmintic. 驱肠虫的;抗蠕虫的
- He killed two policemen with a grenade. 他用一枚手榴弹炸死了两名警察。
- But Miranda would jump on a paint grenade for me. 但换是米兰达也会为我掩护的。