- The first lesson is taken from St John's Gospel. 第一段圣经选自《约翰福音》。
- Her second marriage was held/took place in St John's Church. 她的第二次婚礼是在圣约翰教堂举行的。
- St John's Shaughnessy's alone has assets worth some C$12m ($12m). 光是圣约翰斯香榭教区就拥有价值约1200万加元(1200万美元)的资产。
- European perennial St John's wort; Ireland and France to western Siberia. 欧洲的一种多年生金丝桃;产自爱尔兰和法国到叙利亚西部。
- There is St John's ambulance at the venue, no need doctor following la! 现场有圣约翰救伤队,唔使医生跟住啦!
- That afternoon I inspected the student battalion of St John's University. 那天下午,我检阅了圣约翰大学的学生队伍。
- A woman who had attempted suicide was substituting St John> s wort for her medication. 一个试图自杀的女人正在用圣>翰的做法代替她的药物治疗。
- St John approved of my keenness to work, and promised to find me some paid employment. 圣约翰赞同我对工作的迫切要求,答应帮我找份挣钱的工作。
- A woman who had attempted suicide was substituting St John>s wort for her medication. 一个试图自杀的女人正在用圣>约翰的做法代替她的药物治疗。
- The capital of Malta is inextricably linked to the history of the military and charitable Order of St John of Jerusalem. 马耳他共和国首都瓦莱塔与耶路撒冷的圣约翰骑士团的军事和宗教历史紧密联系在一起。
- But those who insist it is St John, say that he is often portrayed as an effeminate young man. 但是那些坚持这个是圣约翰的人说圣约翰的确是常常被画成带点女子柔弱气息的青年人。
- Highbury has been Arsenal's home since 1913, when land leased by St John's College of Divinity became available. 从1913年圣约翰神学院愿意出租这块土地起,海布里一直是阿森纳的家。
- Her funeral service will be held at the local church, St John the Baptist in Buckhurst. 她的葬礼仪式将会在巴克赫尔斯特的圣施洗约翰地方教堂举行。
- Launceston City Tour featuring St John Anglican Church, Penny Royal World, Town hall &Tasmania Turf Club. 游览包括圣约翰圣公会教堂,佩妮皇家世界,市政厅及赛马场。
- St John said, "In the beginning was the deed", while Goethe claimed that, "In the beginning was the word". 圣约翰说过:“创世之初就有善举。”歌德认为:“创世之初就有言语。”
- Later,as organist at Leipzig,he composed church music,including his St Matthew and St John Passions,and the Mass in B minor. 后来,作为莱比锡的一个管风琴师,他创作了教堂乐曲,其中包括《马太受难曲》、《约翰受难曲》和《B小调弥撒曲》。
- Recently, I have been listening to Bach's St John Passion. I am deeply moved by the profound Christian spirituality in his music. 最近我在听巴哈的约翰福音基督受难记,深刻地被他的音乐里的基督徒灵性感动。
- The Order of St John of Jerusalem occupied Rhodes from1309 to1523 and set about transforming the city into a stronghold. 从1309年到1523年,耶路撒冷的圣约翰的骑士军队占领了罗得城并开始把它建成一个要塞。
- The men in the fort capitulated. 堡垒中的守军投降了。
- Based on a current concept of needs analysis put by Dudley Evans and St John, two survey questionnaires are designed for two groups of Learner's. 根据Dudley-Evans和St John提出的关于需求分析的现时理论框架,文中设计了针对两类学习者的调查问卷。