- Fortune building is not only a building of material, but also a building of culture. 财富大厦既是一个物资层面的建筑体,也是一个精神文化的结晶。
- He inherited a fortune built on crispbread, and has a long history of involvement with extreme rightwing politics. 他继承了父亲经营薄脆饼干赚得的大笔财产,并长期以来同右翼极端势力有所牵连。
- An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不良的婚姻是恶运的来源。
- He endowed the hospital with a large fortune. 他捐赠一笔巨款给这家医院。
- He subdivided the farm into building lots. 他把农地再分为若干块的建筑用地。
- Fortune has not always smiled on him. 命运之神并非总是对他微笑。
- I had to lay out a fortune on that car. 我得为那辆汽车花上一大笔钱。
- His father bequeathed him a fortune. 他父亲给他留下了一笔遗产。
- The police found the wandering boy in a deserted building. 警察在一栋废弃的楼里找到了这个流浪的男孩。
- I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. 我由于这一次的幸运而狂喜。
- He made a great fortune by fair means or foul. 他不择手段地发了一笔大财。
- The building fell with a crash as loud as thunder. 建筑物轰隆一声倒塌了,声如雷鸣。
- Everyone is the architect of his own fortune. 每个人都是自己命运的创造者。
- Police sealed off all the exits from the building. 警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。
- He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。
- I know all the ins and outs of our school building. 我知道我们教学大楼的一切情况。
- Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。
- We got through a fortune while we were on holiday! 我们度假花了一大笔钱!
- The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs. 这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。
- The little boy is piling up his building blocks. 小男孩正在搭积木。