- One can expect the worst regulation in the world in a poor Francophone country. 人们可以料想,全世界监管水平最差的国家是个贫困的说法语的国家。
- His books and are widely read by the francophone young Muslims in France. 还我真理!有人说回归古兰经和圣训是\\"挖哈宾也\\",无奈;
- To become acquainted with French and Francophone customs, history and civilization on a simple scale. 对于法国与法语系国家的风俗、历史、和文明,有初步的了解。
- ASECNA -- the Agency for Aviation Security and Navigation in Africa and Madagascar -- covers Francophone Africa. ASECNA名叫非洲和马达加斯加航空安全机构,它负责非洲法语国家的航空安全。
- These will also be supplemented with activities based on French videos and Francophone web sites. 此外,还会搭配法文的影片及法文网站。
- Since the 1960s, Julien Clerc has been one of the most popular singer-songwriters in the Francophone world. 朱里安-克拉克是二十世纪60年代以来法语世界著名的歌手/曲作家。
- In the past, the Francophone population in Belgium was strongly advantaged in the political and economic spheres. 在比利时,过去使用法文的族群,在政治与经济层面都拥有很大的优势。
- The tension between Francophone and Anglophone was mainly reflected in respect of language conflict. 1976年11月,主张魁北克独立的魁北克人党在省议会选举中获胜,从而在魁北克执政。
- We want to provide this service to francophone users (because we are), but also to those that do not speak any word of French. 我们希望提供这个服务到讲法语的用户(因为我们自己是),但同时也希望提供到哪些不说法语的用户。
- A French military base in Libreville allowed Paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring Francophone states and offered Bongo security. 法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。
- A love poem to his wife and to his African homeland by the famous major francophone poet who was Senegal's first president. 这是一首献给妻子和非洲家园的爱情诗,作者是著名的法语大诗人,是塞内加尔的第一位总统。
- Today Mr Kouchner says that France needs rather to build new ties with emerging powers: in Asia, Latin America and beyond francophone Africa. 库什内表示法国当前更需要来自亚洲、拉丁美洲和非法语非洲国家等新兴大国建立崭新的联系。
- Quebec separatists advocated that due to centralization, Canadian federalism was wiping out the Francophone culture in their own province. 龙女士认为共产党以美化秦始皇、盗跖、太平天国、义和团这样一个历史脉络来奠定自己的权力美学。
- From this issue, we are presenting you with this little booklet of simple illustrations by Nicco, a Francophone resident here in Xiamen. 厦门的秀丽风景闻名世界,有多少景致吸引着全世界人的目光啊!
- Some 382 students, from grades 8 through 12, were recruited for the study from a Francophone high school in Montreal, Canada. 来自加拿大蒙特利尔法语高中8至12年纪的382名学生,参与了这一研究。
- President Sarkozy is focusing on three francophone nations, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo and Niger. 萨科齐总统访问的是三个讲法语的国家,包括刚果民主共和国、刚果共和国以及尼日尔。
- Dutch-speaking politicians ridicule the notion of a 20-kilometer (15-mile) "Francophone corridor" linking Wallonia to Brussels, which is now an enclave in Dutch-speaking Belgium. 荷兰语为母语的政治家嘲笑的概念,一个20公里( 15英里) “法语走廊”连接瓦隆到布鲁塞尔,这是现在一个飞地,在荷兰语为母语的比利时。
- The Francophone Summit Offered Chirac government can opportunity to protect French as an international language, a status it is steadily losing to English. 法国国家峰会使希拉克政府找到一个维护法语地位的机会。作为一种国际语言,法语的地位正日益受到英语的冲击。
- But not with Francophone Africa, which is the sole domain of Paris.Johannesburg and Brussels are minor players, tentatively tentaculating into their respective continents. 约堡和布鲁塞尔在这一地区属于轻量级的城市选手,两地都踊跃地试着向各自所在的大洲发挥影响力。
- Official policies helped facilitate the death of several regional languages in favor of a common, national one.In the francophone world, that process is just unfolding. 长期以来,法国一直存在著语言争议,强势的英文化和英语兴起成为国际语言,引起了部分地区的观注。