- Fried pork fillet slices with leeks 清炸里脊
- Grantiniertes Pilzroesti mit Schweinemedallions Fried pork fillet with fried mushrooms 煎猪里脊配炒蘑菇
- Fried pork fillets with mushrooms and bamboo shoots 双冬肉片
- Fried Pork Fillet with Sesame 炸芝麻里脊
- Fried pork fillet Milan style 米兰猪柳
- The fried pork isn't cooked all the way through. 炸猪排没有炸透
- Crisp bits of fried pork fat; cracklings. 猪油渣,油渣将猪的肥肉油煎后制成的松脆小片;猪油渣
- I prefer fried pork chops French style. Will it be long? 我喜欢吃法式炸猪排,这道菜时间长吗?
- I prefer fried pork chops French style.Will it be long? 我喜欢吃法式炸猪排,这道菜时间长吗?
- Heat oil at 200oC. Fry pork for about 7 minutes until golden brown. 将油烧热至200度,将猪肉炸至金黄香脆,约7分钟。
- Food Parings: strong-bodied seafood, stir fried pork or chicken. 搭配食物: 肉质丰厚的海鲜,炒猪肉或鸡肉.
- Additional, eat leek to fry pork liver effective also. 另外,吃韭菜炒猪肝也有效。
- Dishes fitting: Ham, pigeons with peas, omelette with cepes, assortment of cheese, rib of veal with chanterelle, candied duck, pork fillet with olives. 菜肴搭配:火腿,鸽子,煎蛋,乳酪,小牛排, 鸭子,猪肉等。
- Barbecue sliced pork fillet over hot charcoal until almost done.Brush with Lee Kum Kee Barbecue Sauce and barbecue until done. 将肉片放在烧烤炉上烧烤至九分熟,再刷上李锦记蜜汁烤肉酱烤熟,即可进食。
- This dish sounds delicious, fried pork on a bed of roasted vegetables. 这道菜听起来就觉得好吃,它是把炸过的猪肉放在烤蔬菜下面。
- Heat 3 tbsps of oil, fry pork chops over medium heat until golden brown on borth sides, remove. 烧3汤匙油,放入猪扒以中火煎至两面金黄,取出。
- Grilled Pork Fillet with Roasted Root Vegetables 烤猪排配烤菜根
- Saute diced pork fillet with brown sauce 酱炸里脊丁
- Chrysanthemum-Shaped Vermicelli and Pork Fillet 菊花猪肉
- Quick-fried pork fillet with scallions 葱爆猪里脊片