- How to build a GTP lab and relative criteria? 如何建构GTP实验室及其相关标准?
- The better additive quality of sodium pyrophosphate was 0. 其作用效果随浸泡时间的延长而提高,焦磷酸钠添加量为0。
- The precision of new citrate lyase method has been testified. 2. 2.;柠檬酸碳酸氢盐透析液干粉是安全性可靠的。
- The results implicates that the lyase domain of AphA existing in AphA(26-320). 维系细菌光敏色素A phA与色素自催化连接的裂合酶结构域位于A phA(26-320)包含的肽链之中。
- The difference of content of TP, ALB, GLO, Ca P in blood and the activity of ALP GTP were not significant among groups. 血液中总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白、钙磷含量及ALP、GTP酶活性组间差异不显著。
- UMP kinase activity of rec-HP0777 protein was regulated by the activator GTP and inhibited by UTP. 重组蛋白HP0777的尿嘧啶核甘酸激酶活性被GTP所激活而被UTP所抑制。
- At present, this technology has been used in test preparation of GTP, UTP and dAMP, dGMP, dCTP, dTTP. 目前,该技术已用于GTP、UTP和dAMP、dGMP、dCTP、dTTP等产品的试制。
- This thesis analysises and discusses the GTP protocol and the inspect system of Gn interface. 本文主要分析和讨论了GTP协议以及Gn接口的监测系统。
- Kumadori is GTP (Go Text Protocol) cliet and GTP implementation for playing go-game and development new software. 给发展围棋游戏者使用的叙述协定与软体引擎。
- This work provides important support for further research of the structure and functions of pectate lyase. 鉴于此,我们希望该研究工作能够为日后该类蛋白的结构和功能的进一步研究提供一点帮助。
- The waste slags produced after sewage disposal in oilfields are used for studying GTP profile control agent. 利用油田水质处理后的废弃残渣开展了GTP调剖剂研究。
- The GTP is designed so that the specification of a concrete tunneling protocol is simple. GTP的设计是让实际隧道协议规范是简单的。
- The GIOP Tunneling Protocol (GTP) is an abstract, transportindependent protocol. GIOP隧道协议(GTP)是一个抽象的,传输层独立的协议。
- It is an intermediate in the DREBS CYCLE, and is formed from succinyl CoA in a reaction linked to the formation of GTP. 是Krebs循环的中间产物之一,来自乙酰辅酶A,反应过程涉及GTP的合成。
- As new use of pectate lyase is continuously found, the enzyme has been a hot spot in scientific study. 随着果胶裂解酶的新用途的不断出现,因此该酶是近年国内外研究的热点课题。
- Forging a GTP will promote the EMR's overall competitiveness and hasten its economic restructuring. GTP的建成运作可以提升该都会经济区的总体竞争力,加快其经济重构的步伐。
- With the concerted effort of SAs and TAs, in almost all cases, the GTP remains higher than the ATP. 伴随着SA和TA的协调工作,在大部分情况下,GTP保持高于ATP。
- Most of them, to select a optimum equipment is the key to produce melamine pyrophosphate. 以上三产品受放大效应的影响较小,产品的质量及收率无明显的变化。
- It loses water and converts to pyrophosphate and metaphosphoric acid when being high-temperature heated. 经高温加热便失水生成焦磷酸和偏磷酸,长时间受冷即生成结晶,有腐蚀性,易吸湿,密封保存。
- Alginate lyase can degrade alginates into oligosaccharides , and it's a kind of important tool enzyme . 褐藻胶裂解酶能裂解褐藻胶制备寡糖,是一种重要的工具酶。