- It chanced that the regiment to which Lieutenant Theodule belonged came to perform garrison duty in Paris. 恰巧,那位忒阿杜勒中尉所属的团队调来巴黎驻防了。
- Of Ku Chutung's entire forces, 82 to 85 brigades are employed for garrison duty and can be used only for local manoeuvres, and no more than 32 to 35 brigades can be used for strategic manoeuvres. 全部顾军,使用于守备和仅能作地方性机动之用者占了八十二到八十五个旅,能用于战略性机动者只有三十二到三十五个旅。
- Japanese successes in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1900) temporarily removed the Russian threat and placed IJA units on permanent garrison duty in Manchuria, the main battleground of that war. 日本在日俄战争中的胜利暂时排除了俄国的威胁,并获得了在满洲,这场战争的主战场,永久驻军的权利。
- Half the garrison is/are on duty. 有半数卫戍部队在执勤。
- These men have been forcibly drafted into the service of their masters to do the dirty work in sieges, perform garrison duties, or just to make their armies more impressive in size. 素质:农民类型:都市民兵这些平民被强行徵召入伍修筑围城工事和执行守备任务,有时仅仅为了扩充军队规模以震慑敌军。
- The garrison was starved into surrender. 卫戍部队因遭到断粮而投降。
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我认为为人民服务是我的责任。
- How can I get shut of such an unwelcome duty? 我自发以才能逃脱掉这个令人如此计厌的差事呢?
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。
- The garrison musters eighty men. 驻军共有八十名。
- Be it our duty to comply with his request? 我们有义务满足他的要求吗?
- A garrison was stationed in the town. 卫戍部队驻扎该镇。
- He who does his duty is worthy of praising. 凡是忠于职守的人都值得奖励。
- In the old days this used to be a garrison town. 在过去,这里曾是有驻军的要塞城镇。
- The government will garrison the coastal towns. 政府将派军驻守沿海的城镇。
- I feel it my duty to speak frankly to you. 我觉得我有义务要坦白地对你说。
- I felt bad that I had not done my duty. 我很难过,我没有履行自己的职责。
- It is my painful duty to tell him he is dying. 要我把他即将去世的事告诉他,这使我十分为难。
- He is on night duty three days a week. 他一个星期要上三天夜班。
- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。