- 1882-1941)James (1882-1941)
- 地密尔,C.B.(1881-1959)Cecil B. De Mille (1881~1959)
- 三国同盟(1882)Triple Alliance(1882)
- 渣打银行100元钞票1959100 Note of The Chartered Bank 1959
- 温道斯,A.O.R.(1876-1959)Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus (1876~1959)
- 在1958到1959这年中,迁进了1万户人家。In 1958-1959 10000 families moved in.
- 改良了盖革计数器的德国物理学家(1882-1945)。German physicist who developed the Geiger counter (1882-1945).
- 威耳逊,C.T.R.(1869-1959)Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1869~1959)
- 洛维拉·伊·奇里诺,C.(1882-1928)Carlos Loveira y Chirino (1882~1928)
- 她1959 年第一次获选进入议会.She first got into Parliament(ie became an MP)in 1959.
- (1828-1882)作为文艺复兴的领导的英国诗人和画家(1828-1882) English poet and painter who was a leader of the Pre-Raphaelites
- 1959-1960年美国对古巴政策之原因初探On the Reason of the Policy the United States Enforced to Cuba from 1959 to1960
- (1828-1882)作为文艺复兴的领导的英国诗人和画家。(1828-1882) English poet and painter who was a leader of the Pre-Raphaelites.
- Brain Dyson 可口可乐首席执行官 1959-1994Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises from 1959-1994
- 征服西西里岛和那不勒斯从而形成意大利国家的意大利爱国者(1807-1882)。Italian patriot whose conquest of Sicily and Naples led to the formation of the Italian state (1807-1882).
- 斯瓦尔特(1959)曾揭示浣熊能够携带潜伏的猪瘟病毒。The raccoon was shown by Schwarte(1959)to be capable of carrying latent HCV
- 征服西西里岛和那不勒斯从而形成意大利国家的意大利爱国者(1807-1882)Italian patriot whose conquest of Sicily and Naples led to the formation of the Italian state (1807-1882)
- 斯瓦尔特(1959)曾揭示浣熊能够携带潜伏的猪瘟病毒。The raccoon was shown by Schwarte(1959)to be capable of carrying latent HCV.
- 英国博物学家(1809-1882),他的《生物起源论》阐明了自然选择的进化论学说English natural scientist whose'On the Origin of Species'formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882)