- 添加了有关跟踪标志1224优先于1211的信息。Added information about preference for trace flag 1224 over 1211.
- 年末境内上市公司(A、B股)数量由上年末的1160家增加到1224家,市价总值38329亿元,比上年末下降11.9%。The number of listed companies (with A or B shares) in China's stock markets rose from 1,160 at the end of 2001 to 1,224 at the end of 2002,worth of 3,832.9 billion yuan,down by 11.9 percent.
- H桥H-bridge
- 儒安维尔,简 德1224?-1317法国编年史家,著有《圣路易史》(1309年),是关于路易九世生平的主要史料French chronicler who wrote Histoire de Saint Louis(1309), the principal source on the life of Louis IX.
- H-2H-2
- 儒安维尔,简·德1224?-1317法国编年史家,著有《圣路易史》(1309年),是关于路易九世生平的主要史料French chronicler who wrote Histoire de Saint Louis(1309),the principal source on the life of Louis IX.
- h形H-shaped
- H圈Hamihonian cycle
- HβHβ zeolite
- H点h-point
- (h) 任何通信是(h) Any communication by
- H村H Village
- H序H order
- 阈值HThreshold H
- 英国博物学家W.H.哈得逊出生在阿根廷。The English naturalist W.H. Hudson was born in Argentina.
- H.S.先生已退出本公司,特此奉告。We have the honour to inform you of the retirement form this firm of Mr. H.S.
- H.264H.264
- H型钢H-beam
- H.263H. 263