- (1838-1897)德国作曲家。(1833-1897) German composer.
- (1897-1962)描绘美国南部人民的小说家。(1897-1962) novelist who wrote about people in the southern U.S..
- 日内瓦议定书(1925)Geneva Protocol
- 诺伊曼,C.G.von(1832-1925)Carl Gottfried von Neumann (1832~1925)
- 其中一幅是克劳德·莫奈在1897所创作的作品。One of the pieces was painted by Claude Monet in 1897.
- 孙文1866 1925出现于下列钱钞Sun Yat-Sen 1866 1925 appears on the following banknote
- 德国作曲家约翰尼斯·布拉姆斯(1833-1897)是从他父亲那里开始学习音乐的。The German composer Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) had his first music lessons from his father.
- 1925专业分工的制造和美国工业化》1997.Scranton, Philip. Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925. 1997.
- 威廉·福克纳(1897-1962)是二十世纪美国最杰出的小说家之一。William Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of the most distinguished modern novelists in America in the 20th century.
- 1925 年,西藏的八世班禅入京,也曾住在瀛台。In 1925 when the Eighth Panchen Lama of Tibet came to Beijing, he had Ying'Tai as his residence.
- 皮特曼,艾萨克1813-1897英国教育家,一种速记系统的发明人(1837年)British educator and inventor(1837)of a system of shorthand.
- 黄胄(1925-1997)是一位富有创新精神的杰出的人物画家。Huang Zhou (1925-1997) was an excellent Chinese figure painter with a creative spirit.
- 德国作曲家约翰尼斯·布拉姆斯(1833-1897)是从他父亲那里开始学习音乐的。The German composer Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) had his first music lessons from his father.
- 1925 年7月31日这个星期五从此以后就称为“红色星期五”。Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as 'Red Friday'.
- 1897到1914年这段时间,一般来讲,对劳工说来是个相对稳定和经济稳步进展的时期。The period 1897-1914, generally speaking, was a time of relative stability and steady economic progress for Labor.
- 1897到1914年这段时间,一般来讲,对劳工说来是个相对稳定和经济稳步进展的时期。The period 1897-1914, generally speaking, was a time of relative stability and steady economic progress for Labor.
- 托克·贝恩(1925-),1970年代以来英国工党左翼精神领袖。Tony Benn (1925 -- ), British politician, member of the Labour Party, and, from the 1970s, unofficial leader of the party's radical populist left.
- 哈塞尔,奥德1897-1981挪威化学家,因在有机分子方面的研究而获1969年诺贝尔奖Norwegian chemist. He shared a1969 Nobel Prize for the study of organic molecules.
- 从我们党成立到大革命的这段时间内(1925-27)农民运动有了很大的发展。During the period from the founding of our Party to the Great Revolution (1925-27) the peasant movement grew considerably.
- 亥维赛,奥利弗1850-1925英国物理学家,他预言了电离空气层即现在所知的电离层的存在British physicist who predicted the existence of the ionized atmospheric layer now known as the ionosphere.