- Excuse me, does the Bus No. 4 stop at the China Trade Center? 劳驾,4路公共汽车在国贸停吗?
- Come on, dear friends. Let's grow up with China Trade BBS. 这样时间久了,多多少少会有点定单的。做生意其实就是交朋友。
- Hong Kong was founded as a port for the China trade just over 150 years ago. 香港在150多年前开埠之时是中国的通商港。
- Editing Committee of China Trade Yellow Pages, Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C. 商务部中国贸易黄页编委会。
- Numerous international companies involved in China trade have chosen Hong Kong as an entry-point for China. 因此,很多与中国有商业往来的国际大机构亦会选择香港作为大中华的根据地。
- Your advertisement for marketing officer in China Trade mews of May 17 has interested me, I wish to tender my services. (贵公司五月十七日在中国贸易报刊登招聘市场部办公室主任的广告,本人拜读后极感兴趣,特此应召。)
- Schumer had criticized Schwab for not being aggressive enough on China trade policy. 舒莫批评施瓦布对待中国的贸易政策不够强硬。
- In return, China traded paper, ink, and above all, silk. 作为回报,中国以纸品、墨,还有最重要的丝绸。
- State materials on the China trade mission include the following tips for Hawaii business people meeting prospective Chinese partners. 关于对中国国家物资贸易的任务包括下列夏威夷商务人事会晤中国未来合作伙伴条款。
- The stock market collapse has erased more than $210bn from the oligarch's publicly traded holdings. 股市暴跌已使这些寡头们持股的市值缩水逾2100亿美元。
- Today we will also inaugurate the China Trade in Services website, a product made with the concerted efforts of various government agencies, provinces, cities and enterprises . 由各个部门、各个省市、众多企业共同参与的服务贸易指南网也将于今天在这里开通,我们还搭建了大连软件交易会、香港服务贸易洽谈会、深圳国际文化产业博览会等服务贸易的促进平台。
- Your advertisement for an Executive Assistant in China Trade news of May 17 has interested me, I wish to tender my services. 贵公司五月十七日在中国贸易报刊登招聘行政助理的广告,本人极感兴趣,特此应聘。
- In addition, the industry Web site members can submit product brands, and entered the China trade platform for the brand search for other enterprises. 此外,行业网站会员还可以提交产品品牌,并进入行业中国平台的品牌库供其他企业检索。
- But Subir Gokarn, chief economist (Asia Pacific), Standard www.abta.org and china trade ays access to finance is a bigger problem than interest rates. 位于汽车工业之后的是家居类和消费类电子产品领域,信息技术促进了消费类传感器产品的批量生产,应用于机房工程公司和无绳电话的超声传感器。
- China trades in industrial and agricultural products with many countries . 中国与许多国家进行工农业产品的贸易。
- Growing ties between China's traders and their partners in Taiwan and Hong Kong are creating an unofficial but formidable “greater China” trade bloc. 中国贸易者与其在台湾和香港的伙伴之间的不断增强的关系正在创造一个非正式的了不起的“大中华”贸易集团。
- I'm Tian Dai, the Purchasing Manager of South China Trading Company. 我叫戴天,华南贸易公司采购部经理。
- Ottawa Citizen reports that Canadian Foreign Trade Minister Marchi made the remarks on Thursday in a meeting on foreign policy and trade held in Ottawa. 渥太华公民报的报道说,加拿大联邦国际贸易部长马奇是星期四在渥太华出席一个关于外交与国际贸易的会议的时候讲这番话的。
- China trades in industrial and agricultural products with many countries. 中国与许多国家进行工农业产品方面的贸易。
- HICT is a member of the Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Group. 惠州国际集装箱码头是和记黄埔港口集团成员。