- I can not figure out why they ridicule this constructive suggestion. 我弄不懂他们为什麽嘲笑这一建设性建议。
- I can not figure out why he is absent. 我弄不明白他为什么缺席。
- I can not figure out why she get into such a state of inflammation. 我弄不懂她为什么会如此激动。
- Games repeatedly and racily played on sand seem quite absurd in adults’ eyes, for they can’t figure out why such a meaningless thing can keep us in constant interest. 我们津津有味地一遍又一遍重复我们认为有趣的游戏,在大人的眼中却是荒唐可笑的,对这么没有意义的事居然也乐此不疲?
- I can't figure out why he quit his job. 我琢磨不透他为什么要辞掉工作。
- I can't figure out why he is absent. 我弄不明白他为什么缺席。
- I can't figure out why she got into such a state of inflammation. 我弄不懂她为什么会如此激动。
- I will need you to send me your wow.exe so I can decompile it and figure out why the program is failing to find pointers for your particular version. 能做到的只有封使用者的帐号,然后就如今天讨论到的,由于游戏本身就有各类传送魔法,很难判断是否就是用了外挂(从技术角度上看并无本质差别)。所以导致外挂盛行,而无所作为吧。
- I consulted the saler and found that the parcel arrives at my city already but I cannot figure out why the people do not delivery it to my house. 我咨询了卖家,人家也给我查询了,知道快件已经到我市了,但不知道为什么就是迟迟不送来。
- I couldn' t figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was. 我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。
- I can understand this,but I can not figure out why you sent them to spy along China's coast from such a great distance,and why they rammed my husband's plane. 但我不明白您为什么派他们千里迢迢到中国沿海来侦察?为什么他们要把我丈夫的飞机撞毁?
- I can't figure out why he's been behaving so oddly. 我无法理解他为什么一直行为乖僻。
- She couldn' t figure out who put a tail on her. 她猜不透谁派人盯她的梢。
- I cannot figure out who that guy is. 我不知道那个人是谁。
- I can not make out why he come home so late. 我开不明白他为什这么晚才回家。
- I can't figure out why she said so. 我搞不懂她为什么这么说。
- I can not make out why he came home so late. 我开不明白他为什这么晚才回家。
- I can't figure out why he is buttering me up. 我不明白为什么他要巴结我。
- I just can’t figure out whether my oversensitivity makes me focus on the weak or sensitivity belongs to the weak. 是敏感而致情系弱者,还是过分敏感本身即属于弱者的品性,我不知道。
- I can not fiqure out why she threw such tantrums. 我弄不懂她为什么发如此大脾气。