- To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it. 跟你说实话,我不愿意这样。
- Don't sing the same song; I'm sick of it! 别再老调重弹了,我听得厌了!
- You big jerk! Something always comes up at the last minute. I'm sick of it! 这个混蛋!你总是在紧要关头有事情要处理,我真烦透了。
- My sister is always bossing mearound.I'm sick of it. 我的姐姐总是对我呼来喝去的,我真的烦透了。
- I' m sick of you two squabbling just cut it out ! 你们两个吵来吵去真烦人--快打住吧!
- I've been studying all day, and I'm sick and tired of it. 我整天念书,现在已经很厌倦了。
- I've been typing all day, and I'm sick and tired of it. 我打字打了一整天,真是烦透了。
- A: I'm sick of your nagging all the time. 我烦透了你整天唠念不停。
- Get out! I'm sick of the sight of you! 一见到你我就觉得讨厌!
- Don't keep squab bring with me. I'm sick of you! 这小两口为了钱吵吵闹闹5余年。
- I' m sick of your complaining just pack it in, will you ? 你老发牢骚我都烦死了--别说了, 行不行?
- She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it. 她做这一工作已多年,因此从心底里感到厌烦。
- Oh, I'm sick of continually hearing Edward's praises. 啊,老是听到对爱德华的夸奖叫我恶心。
- I don't want to work to the point where I'm sick of working. 我不想干工作干到厌倦了的程度。
- I've been typing all day,and I'm sick and tired of it. 我打字打了一整天,真是烦透了。
- Don't keep squab bring with me.I'm sick of you! 这小两口为了钱吵吵闹闹5余年。
- I imprecate curses upon it and I am heartily sick of it. 哦,出名的辛酸的悲伤啊!声名卓著时遭人唾骂,声名狼藉时受人轻蔑和怜悯。”
- Butters: No, I'm sick of it! 不,我讨厌那些日子!
- Ve been studying all day, and I'm sick and tired of it. 我学了一天,现在感到厌倦。
- You can't call Glen, you sacked him. I'm getting sick of it! 你不能给格雷打电话,你已经把他解雇了!