- But you‘ve caught cold: I saw you shivering, and you must have some gruel to drive it out. 但是你感冒了,我看见你在哆嗦,你得喝点稀粥御御寒!
- I don't want to take a cold shower because I've caught a cold. 太冷了,我可不想冲冷水澡。
- You left the air-con on all night. See, I've caught a cold. 你一晚上都没关空调,看到没有,我都感冒了。
- I' m afraid I' ve caught a chill. 我怕我是着凉了。
- Time after time I've caught that dog in my garden. 我一次又一次地在我家的院子里逮住那只狗。
- He sniffled, and I knew he caught cold. 他吸着鼻子说话,我才知道他感冒了。
- Get out of those wet clothes before you catch cold. 把湿衣服脱掉,不然要伤风的。
- I should say you've caught cold. 我看你感冒了。
- I shall say you have caught cold. 我看你感冒。
- I think I've caught a cold. Now I'm aching all over. 我想我是感冒了。现在浑身疼。
- I'm worrying that she may catch cold. 我担心她会着凉的。
- Every time I catch cold, I have pain in my back. 每回伤风我的背就疼。
- Put your coat on before you go our or you'll catch cold. 穿上外套再出去,不然你会感冒的。
- A lot of people caught cold because of the bad weather. 坏天气使很多人都感冒了。
- Let' s count over the fish we' ve caught. 让我们数一下捉到了多少鱼。
- I ll Make Your Son Suffer and Catch Cold, Too! 我叫你的儿子也挨冻!
- I stayed in lest I should catch cold. 我怕伤风, 所以呆在屋里。
- I am worrying that she may catch cold. 我担心她会着凉。
- I catch colds frequently because my resistance is low. 我经常得感冒,因为我抵抗力差。
- She has caught cold, but at first she thought it was something else. 她患了感冒,起初她还以为得了别的什么病。