- This is John Steven from the Training Section. 这是培训部的约翰?史蒂文。
- The Vocational Training Council (VTC) provides technical education and industrial training places. 职业训练局则提供工业教育及训练学额。
- Supervisors may obtain an outline of the program by calling the Training Section of HR Department. 单位主管可以连络人力资源部训练组洽询本训练的大纲。
- It administers the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, industrial training centres, skills centres for persons with a disability and the Apprenticeship Ordinance. 该局负责管理香港专业教育学院、工业训练中心及弱能人士技能训练中心,并执行《学徒制度条例》。
- It administers the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education,industrial training centres,skills centres for persons with a disability and the Apprenticeship Ordinance. 该局负责管理香港专业教育学院、工业训练中心及伤残人士技能训练中心,并执行《学徒制度条例》。
- Separate levy-funded authorities provide industrial training for the clothing and construction industries. 制衣业训练局和建造业训练局为制衣业及建造业提供培训,经费来自该两个行业的征款。
- Train Section Labor Service Co. 车辆段劳动服务公司。
- It administers the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, industrial training and development centres, skills centres for persons with a disability and provisions of the Apprenticeship Ordinance. 该局负责管理香港专业教育学院、工业训练及发展中心和残疾人士技能训练中心,并执行《学徒制度条例》。
- The Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) runs two training centres for the clothing and footwear industries. 制衣业训练局辖下设有两所训练中心,专门为制衣业和鞋履业培训人才。
- Besides offering pre-employment industrial training to new entrants to the labour market,the VTC's 18 training centres also offer upgrading training for in-service personnel at craft,technician and higher technician levels. 除了为新入行人士提供职前工业训练外,职业训练局属下18所训练中心也为在职人士开办技工、技术员和高级技术员程度的增修训练课程。
- TCS will have track& field training sections on every Sunday morning for Haihwa Track& Field Meet until4/28/02. Please bring you child( ren) to attend the training section and have fun. 上周起,每周日在西高中,为海华运动会开始集训,敬请诸位家长和学生每周都能出席练习,谢谢各位合作,如有疑问电询召集人吴仲扬副校长(10)793-6629。
- It administers the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education,industrial training and development centres,skills centres for persons with a disability and provisions of the Apprenticeship Ordinance. 该局负责管理香港专业教育学院、工业训练及发展中心和残疾人士技能训练中心,并执行《学徒制度条例》。
- Besides offering pre-employment industrial training to new entrants to the labour market, the VTC's 18 training centres also offer upgrading training for in-service personnel at craft, technician and higher technician levels. 除了为新入行人士提供职前工业训练外,职业训练局属下18所训练中心也为在职人士开办技工、技术员和高级技术员程度的增修训练课程。
- TCS will have track &field training sections on every Sunday morning for Haihwa Track &Field Meet until 4/28/02. Please bring you child(ren) to attend the training section and have fun. 上周起,每周日在西高中,为海华运动会开始集训,敬请诸位家长和学生每周都能出席练习,谢谢各位合作,如有疑问电询召集人吴仲扬副校长(310)793-6629。
- NZQA also accredits industry training organisations to register workplace assessors. NZQA同时也授权行业培训组织为实习车间主管进行登记注册。
- The Clothing Industry Training Authority (CLITA) was established in 1975 to provide training courses for the clothing and footwear industries. 制衣业训练局于一九七五年成立,为制衣和鞋履业提供训练课程。
- Organisation Development & Training Section 组织发展及培训组
- The Clothing Industry Training Authority was established in 1975 to provide training courses for the clothing and footwear industries. 制衣业训练局于一九七五年成立,为制衣和造鞋行业提供训练课程。
- Small Arms Readiness Training Section 轻武器战备训练科
- SGS Hong Kong Ltd and Clothing Industry Training Authority reserve the right to accept or reject any enrollees to the seminar. 港通用公证行有限公司及制衣业训练局保留接受或否决报名者之权利。