- Inoguchi Kuniko 猪口邦子(1952-),日本人,官员。
- She was crowned (queen) in 1952. 她於1952年继(王)位。
- Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952. 伊丽莎白二世女王於1952年即位。
- She acceded to the throne in 1952. 她在一九五二年即位。
- To put more steam behind such initiatives, the government in 2005 appointed a minister for gender equality and social affairs, Kuniko Inoguchi. 为使这些举措更有吸引力,2005年政府指派猪口邦子出任大臣专司男女平等及社会工作相关事务。
- Kuniko Inoguchi, state minister for gender equality and social affairs, told reporters while policies are essential, the most important thing will be convincing companies being pro-family will help them. 负责性别平等和社会事务的大臣猪口邦子告诉记者说,虽然政府的政策不可少,但最重要的是,要说服公司对家庭友善有利他们。
- Eliabeth succeeded to the throne in 1952. 伊丽莎白于1952年继承了王位。
- They carried out land reform in 1952. 他们在1952年实行了土改。
- Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952. 伊丽莎白女皇一九五二年即位。
- In 1952 Hellman was called to appear before HUAC. 1952年海尔曼被传唤出席众议院非美活动调查委员会(HUAC)。
- In 1952, scrip was forbidden in the United States. 1952年时,临时凭证在美国遭禁。
- Tsai Yulong was born in 1952,Budai,Jiayi,Taiwan. 蔡玉龙出生于1952年,台湾嘉义,又名蔡九润,字浩腾。
- China win the olympic price firt in the 1952 year. 中国首次获得奥运奖牌是在1952年。
- Finn first entered the Olympics in 1952. 芬兰人级首次进入奥运会1952年。
- My father got a piece of newspaper dating from July 28th,1952. 我父亲搞到一张1952年7月28目的报纸。
- He answered a P & G ad in 1952 and has worked for P&G ever since. 1952年,他根据招聘广告来宝洁公司应聘,从此就在宝洁公司供职。
- Queen Elizabeth came/succeeded to the throne in 1952. 伊丽莎白女王于1952年即位/登基。
- Started as a cable special shop since 1952 in Japan. 1952年在日本从线材专业店起家。
- John Dewey (1850 - 1952) was a world - wide known educator. 杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)是世界著名的教育家。
- She was the U.S. national championship from 1952 to 1956. 1952年到1956年,她是美国冠军。