- Observer Group began in the Western SARS, stop bleeding, rehydration treatment with Chinese medicine on the basis of proprietary treatment. 观察组术后在西医抗炎、止血、补液治疗的基础上配合中药方剂治疗。
- IgE,FEV,PEF, symptoms of asthma,symptoms of rhinitis and quality of life indicators have improved markedly, observer Group obviously superior than control group. 结论 支气管哮喘患者往往合并变应性鼻炎,应及早发现,采用孟鲁司特联合补肾温肺方进行综合治 疗,可取得较好疗效。
- The observation group traveled from South Africa to Oxford via. 考察团一行经由其他八个非洲国家,从南非到达牛津。
- ABUJA, Nigeria (Reuters) -- Nigeria's presidential election was so badly flawed that it should be cancelled and held again, the biggest local election observer group said on Sunday. 拉各斯尼日利亚(路透社)--尼日利亚当地最大的选举观察团在上周日发表声明说:尼日利亚总统大选存在严重的混乱,选举结果因被取消,需要重新进行选举。
- The observation group atomizes to breathe Chuan Le Ning in the foundation. 观察组在此基础上雾化吸入喘乐宁。
- This was pointed out today by Tianjin's vice-Mayor, Disheng Ye, when he made a thematic investment report for the '97 MBA class international on-site observation group of the US New York University Stone Business Administration Institute. 这是天津市副市长叶迪生今天在为美国纽约大学史敦工商管理学院主管企业管理硕士九七级国际实地考察团作投资专题报告时指出的。
- Lunar International Observer Network 月球国际观察网
- The observe group was treated with LMH on the bases of routine therapy. 观察组除上述治疗外,在前7 d加用国产低分子肝素4 100 IU,2次/d皮下注射。
- International observers said Sunday's runoff election was Peru's cleanest vote in years. 国际观察家称,周日进行的秘鲁大选是近年来秘鲁最“干净”的一次大选。
- Around 400 international observes observers are touring the polling stations to check for irregularityirregularities. 大约400名国际观察员在投票站附近检查违规行为。
- Powell has suggested sending international observers to monitor the October election in Indian-controlled Kashmir but was refused by the Indian side. 鲍尔建议由国际观察员监督印度辖内克什米尔地区定十月举行的选举一事,也遭印方拒绝。
- Officer-in-charge of the Observer Group Beirut 贝鲁特观察员小组主管
- He cautioned that since there were no international observers on the ground, he could “not state definitively” what had happened. 他还强调说,由于没有在伊朗民众中安排国际观察员,所以他还不了解究竟发生了什么。
- Officer-in-charge of the Observer Group Beirut; 贝鲁特观察员小组主管;
- An official with a team of international observers from the Carter Center, David Carroll, said the polling was largely calm. 卡罗尔是“卡特中心”国际观察小组的一名官员。他说,总体来说投票情况相当平静。
- He said the international community's options are limited, given that the Tehran government banned international observers from the balloting. 凯利说,国际社会的选择是有限的,因为德黑兰政府禁止国际观察员监督投票。
- Chief of Observer Group Lebanon; 黎巴嫩观察员小组组长;
- The despatch of any international observers risks being exploited by Moscow to lay a false veneer of credibility over a sham. 向俄派出任何的国际观察员都有可能被俄利用来掩盖本质,宣扬其“诚意”。
- Res ults In the observational group,5cases got recovered and4were treated effectively. 结果毫米波组9例中5例痊愈,4例有效;
- Due to the significance of the X-ray outburst, Soderberg immediately mounted an international observing campaign to study SN 2008D. 索德伯格表示,这两颗超新星所在的星系是一个普通的恒星簇,从宇宙的角度来说,它距离银河不太远也不太近。