- The network computer, also known as the Internet toaster, Internet appliance or Internet device, is the low cost, no maintenance desktop device. 网络计算机,也叫“因特网烤炉”、因特网装置、因特网设备,是一种价格低廉、无需维护的台式装置。
- This is a hidden cost to the Internet device: the infrastructure cost. 这就是Internet装置隐藏的成本,即基础结构的成本。
- The Internet device shifts virtually all the processing back to the network-based servers. 实际上,Internet装置将所有的处理转移到基于网络的服务器上。
- The network computer,also known as the Internet toaster,Internet appliance or Internet device,is the low cost,nomaintenance desktop device. 网络计算机,也叫“因特网烤炉”、因特网装置、因特网设备,是一种价格低廉、无需维护的台式装置。
- The network computer, also known as the Internet toaster,Internet appliance or Internet device,is the low cost,no maintenance desktop device. 网络计算机,也叫“因特网烤炉”、因特网装置、因特网设备,是一种价格低廉、无需维护的台式装置。
- The network computer, also known as the Internet toaster, Internet appliance or Internet device, is the low cost, no maintenance desktop device. 网络计算机,也叫“因特网烤炉”、因特网装置、因特网设备,是一种价格低廉、无需维护的台式装置。
- The current thinking calls for the Internet device to run Java applets through a Java-compliant browser, although Microsoft Corp. and others are planning to offer competing platforms. 目前的想法是要求Internet装置通过符合Java的浏览器运行Java小应用程序,虽然微软公司和其它厂家也在计划提供与之竞争的平台。
- It will be more like a VCR, which is limited to its built-in functionality.Every so often, users will replace the Internet device with one that has new functions, just as they replace their VCRs, Oracle suggests. 它更象录像机,它只限于内装的功能,Oracle公司建议,用户将经常像更换录像机那样用有新功能的装置代替旧的Internet装置。
- The current thinking calls for the Internet device to run Java applets through a Java-compliant browser,although Microsoft Corp. and others are planning to offer competing platforms. 目前的想法是要求Internet装置通过符合Java的浏览器运行Java小应用程序,虽然微软公司和其它厂家也在计划提供与之竞争的平台。
- It will be more like a VCR,which is limited to its built-in functionality.Every so often,users will replace the Internet device with one that has new functions,just as they replace their VCRs,Oracle suggests. 它更象录像机,它只限于内装的功能,Oracle公司建议,用户将经常像更换录像机那样用有新功能的装置代替旧的Internet装置。
- Many Internet devices are misused by some direct marketing companies to gain information on our daily lives. 一些直销公司滥用许多互联网装置获取我们日常生活的信息。
- This paper mainly introduces the solution of NMS for standard Internet devices, including the implementation of SNMP Manager and SNMP Agent in PDSN. 本文主要介绍CMT系统中对标准因特网设备的网管系统的实现方案,包括SNMP Manager和PDSN Agent的实现。
- The technology can be applied to existing and new generation mobile phones, mobile internet devices, key fobs and other applications, says the company. 该技术可应用于现有和新一代移动电话,移动互联网设备,智能钥匙和其他应用领域,该公司说。
- But hang on. Is he saying that Nokia is now aligned with Intel Corp., calling their phones "mobile Internet devices," or MID? 不过别急,他是想说现在的诺基亚正向英特尔看齐,将他们的手机业务称为“移动互联网设备(MID)吗?
- NET offers secure and addressable places to store data and applications on the Web. Allowing all types of Internet devices (PCs, Palmtops, Phones) to access data and applications. NET提供安全的可设置地址的地点来储存网络上的数据和应用软件。允许所有类型的网络驱动器(个人电脑、掌上电脑、手机)来访问数据和应用程序。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- If took ten men to wrestle the device into place. 用了10个人才把那台装置挪动到位。
- Mobile Internet Device Innovation Alliance 英特尔还宣布了移动互联网终端创新联盟
- The accelerating use of smartphones and the emergence of an exciting class of mobile Internet devices (MIDs) and Netbooks are creating an explosion of data transfer across wireless networks. 随着智能手机和各种不同类型的移动终端设备(MID)以及笔记本电脑的出现,人们对于无线数据传输的需求也日益增高。
- A device used to modulate an electromagnetic wave. 调制器用以调制电磁波的装置