- 威灵顿,A.(1769-1851)Arthur Wellesley,Duke of Wellington (1769~1851)
- 陈虬(1851-1904)Chen Qiu(1851-1904)
- 雅可比,C.G.J.(1804-1851)Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (1804~1851)
- 水晶宫造在海德公园内,是为 1851 年的世界博鉴会而兴建的。Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.
- 狄龙,约翰1851-19271918年领导爱尔兰民族主义党的爱尔兰政治家Irish politician who led the Irish Nationalist Party in1918.
- 伯林纳,埃米尔1851-1929德裔美国发明家,大大改进了电话并于1887年发明了留声机German-born American inventor who greatly improved the telephone and invented the gramophone(1887).
- 1839年,达格雷(1789-1851)发现了照相术,当初推广高斯理论的一些尝试,主要有赖于这一发现。The discovery of photography in 1839 by Daguerre(1789-1851)was chiefly responsible for early attempts to extend the Gaussian theory.
- 重要的美国报纸有(1851),《基督教科学箴言报>、、和,该报自1980年起成为美国最畅销日报。"The important american newspapers are the New York Times (1851), the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, which in 1980 became the best-selling daily newspaper in the US."
- 达盖尔,路易斯·雅克·曼德1789-1851法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗出照片的正画French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.
- 加拉德特,托马斯 霍普金斯1787-1851美国教育家,建立了美国第一所免费的聋哑学校(1817年)American educator who established the first free American school for the hearing-impaired(1817).
- 加拉德特,托马斯·霍普金斯1787-1851美国教育家,建立了美国第一所免费的聋哑学校(1817年)American educator who established the first free American school for the hearing-impaired(1817).
- 哈维,威廉·霍普1851-1936美国的经济学家和出版商,曾主张制造银币以减轻19世纪90年代的货币危机A city of northeast Illinois, an industrial suburb of Chicago. Population,29, 771.
- 达盖尔,路易斯·雅克·曼德1789-1851法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗出照片的正画来。French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.
- 肖邦,凯特·奥弗莱厄蒂1851-1904美国作家,其作品如觉醒(1899年)等描述了路易斯安那州克里奥尔人的生活Polish-born French composer and pianist of the romantic era. His music, written chiefly for the piano, was based on traditional Polish dance themes.
- 这一消息在世界物理学界,引起了自丹麦科学家汉斯 - 克里斯蒂安,奥斯特德(1777-1851)发现电磁现象以来的最大轰动。The news of these X-rays roused the world of physics to a furor not seen since Danish physicist Hans Christian Orsted (1777-1851) had discovered electromagnetism.