- Applications should be submitted by 28 December 2007 to John Swire &Sons (China) Ltd.-Beijing Office, via the PRC State Education Commission. 2、申请资料必须于2007年12月28日之前,通过国家教育部港澳台办,送交至太古(香港)有限公司北京代表处。
- Guangdong Swire Cold Chain Logistics Co. Ltd. is a Sino Foreign JV company established between Guangdong Foodstuffs (GDF) and John Swire & Sons Pty Ltd. in June of 2008. 广东太古冷链物流有限公司是由澳洲太古股份有限公司和广东省食品进出口集团公司共同出资组建的一家中外合资企业,于二零零八年六月成立。
- M. pavella and P.G. Murthy, “Transient Stability of Power Systems:Theory and Practice”, John Wiley &Sons Ltd, 1994. 张宏展,“729停电事故之省思与前瞻”,电机月刊第十卷第四期,民国八十九年四月,第260-266页。
- T. M. Romberg and J. L. Black , ”Signal Processing for Industrial Diagnostics”, John Wiley &Sons Ltd , 1996. 寇惠、原培新,”故障诊断中的振动信号处理”,冶金工业出版社,1989。
- H.Bandemer, S.Gottwald, “Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy methods with applications”, John Wiley &Sons Ltd, 1995. 邹开其、徐扬,“模糊系统与专家系统”,儒林图书有限公司,1993。
- Swire, controlled by John Swire & Sons of the UK, is an enduring symbol of Hong Kong's colonial past and has a long history of complex interactions with Chinese government flagships. 太古股份是英国太古集团(JohnSwire&Sons)旗下企业,是香港殖民历史的一个持久象征,在与中国政府的旗舰企业进行错综复杂的合作方面有着悠久的历史。
- Miller, P. McC. &Wilson, M. J. (1983), A Dictionary of Social Science Methods, Chichester: John Wiley &sons Ltd. 陈英豪、吴裕益(1982);道德发展测验、创造测验与认知发展测验的发展;中国测验学会;我国测验的发展;49-60;台北:.
- Rory Burke. Project Management-Planning and Control Techniques (third edition). John Wileyand Sons LTD. 于长锐等.;复杂决策问题形式化方法研究[J]
- J. Arrillaga, B. C Smith, N. R Watson and A. R Wood, “Power System Harmonic Analysis, ” John Wiley &Sons Ltd, 1997. 徐享鹏撰,“谐波对史考特变压器差动保护的影响分析与模拟测试”,中原大学电机工程研究所硕士论文,92年度。
- Rory Burke. Project Management-PlanningControl Techniques (third edition). John Wileyand Sons LTD. 于长锐等.;决策问题形式化方法研究[J]
- EricW.Marchant,1980,”Modeling Fire Safety and Risk”,Fire and Human Behavior,Edited by D Canter,New York:John Wiley& Sons Ltd. 林元祥,2000,建筑物火灾危险度评估与实证调查报告,中央警察大学出版社。
- Hayter R.The Dynamics of Industrial Location:The Factory,the Firm and the Production System[M].England:John Wiley & Sons Ltd,1997. 杜龙政;刘友金;张玺.;企业集团与企业集群的互动和进化[J]
- Jones, D &Gimson, A.C. 1967.Everymen's English Pronouncing Dictionary (14th edition).J.M.Dent &Sons Ltd. 周玉忠;李银仓.;宁夏人学英语[M]
- It emerged that the circuit's owners, Wheatcroft and Son Ltd, launched legal action over $3.6m in unpaid rent. 它出现在赛道的拥有者,惠特克罗夫特和父子公司发起法律行动美元以上三点六米未缴租金.
- PRICE W J.Sepectroslopy Analysis by Atomic Absorption[M].London:Heyden &Son Ltd,1979. 镁合金化学分析方法-原子吸收光谱分析法测定镍含量[S].
- It is thought that the idea of a Festival came from either Mr Harry Wood, the Musical Director of the Winter Gardens or Mr Nelson Sharples of Messrs Sharples &Son Ltd. 据认为;这一构想是来自一节主席亨利木音乐总监郑纳尔逊sharples冬季花园或与儿子的湛sharples有限公司音乐出版商出版的所有人士表黑池音乐舞蹈发明的新颖明珠国在慈禧太后和塔宴会厅.
- John lavishes care on his only son. 约翰对他的独生儿子过分溺爱。
- All John's kith and kin came to his wedding. 约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。
- Our son wants to enter the ministry. 我们的儿子想做牧师。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。