- 陈虬(1851-1904)Chen Qiu(1851-1904)
- 俄国剧作家(1860-1904)。Russian dramatist (1860-1904).
- (1904-1967)在洛斯阿拉默斯指导了研制第一枚原子弹工程的美国物理学家。American physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb (1904-1967).
- H桥H-bridge
- 安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫(1860-1904)是十九世纪和二十世纪之交俄罗斯的文学巨匠。Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) was the master of Russian literature at theturn of the 20th century.
- H-2H-2
- h形H-shaped
- H圈Hamihonian cycle
- 肖邦,凯特·奥弗莱厄蒂1851-1904美国作家,其作品如觉醒(1899年)等描述了路易斯安那州克里奥尔人的生活Polish-born French composer and pianist of the romantic era. His music, written chiefly for the piano, was based on traditional Polish dance themes.
- HβHβ zeolite
- 居里,埃弗·丹尼斯生于1904法国钢琴家、作家和编辑,以一本描述她的母亲玛丽·居里的传记小说居里夫人(1937年)而闻名French pianist, writer, and editor best known for Madame Curie(1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie.
- H点h-point
- 希斯,阿杰尔生于1904美国政府官员。在共产主义恐慌达到高峰时被指控为间谍,后来在一个有争议的案件中被认定犯有伪证罪(1950年)American public official. Accused of espionage at the height of the Communist scare, he was convicted of perjury(1950) in a controversial case.
- (h) 任何通信是(h) Any communication by
- H村H Village
- H序H order
- 阈值HThreshold H
- 英国博物学家W.H.哈得逊出生在阿根廷。The English naturalist W.H. Hudson was born in Argentina.
- H.S.先生已退出本公司,特此奉告。We have the honour to inform you of the retirement form this firm of Mr. H.S.