- Kodama Kanji 儿玉宽次(1934-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Giorgio Armani was born near Milan, Italy in 1934. 乔治?阿玛尼在1934年出生于意大利米兰近郊。
- It was in 1934 that I met Agnes Smedley. 我是在1934年认识艾格妮丝·史沫特莱的。
- Example:A Chinese ideogram or a Japanese Kanji. 例如汉语的表意字或日语汉字。
- Wikipedia tells me that they are called kodama. 还有那些摇头晃脑的小树精当然也无伤大雅。
- Wang Zhiguo was born in Shanxi in 1934. 王治国,一九四三年生,山西人。
- Can you tell me how to read this kanji? 请教给我这个汉字的读音。
- There are also a few Kanji quizzes. 另外也有汉字小考。
- The mechanism was overhauled in 1934 and 1956. 进而在1934年和1956年机械结构被重新翻修。
- The first international competition was held in Helsinki in 1934. 第一次正式国际比赛是在1954年赫尔辛基举行。
- The world's first ski lift was opened at Bolgen in 1934. 世界上第一个滑雪运送机于1934年在博尔艮开放使用。
- Another member of the team Alb Lythgoe died in 1934 after a stroke. 考古队中另一成员埃尔布-利斯苟于1934年死于中风。
- Japanese has borrowed most of their Kanji form Chinese. 很多日语汉字都是源于汉语。
- Matches ideographic characters, such as Han and Kanji. 匹配表意文字字符,如汉字和日文汉字。
- Keiko became green with envy when she saw kanji talking to Junko. 惠子看见建二和纯子说话时吃醋了。
- In 1934, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman. 在1934年,杰瑞?西格尔和乔?舒斯特创造了超人。
- In an intradermal test, Sarnowiec(1934)used castor oil. 在皮内试验中,Sarnowiec(1934)使用了蓖麻油。
- Gives detailed information about Kanji currently on clipboard. 获得关于当前剪贴板里里汉字的详细信息。
- The Communist Party of Puerto Rico was founded in September 1934. 波多黎各共产党于1934 年9 月建立。
- Sassi: It's that Kanji that looks similar to "green", right? 是那个和“绿”看起来差不多的字,对吧?