- 霍夫曼,A.W.von(1818-1892)August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1818~1892)
- 西门子,E.W.von(1816-1892)Ernst Werner von Sie-mens (1816~1892)
- X-Y型天线座X-Y type antenna pedestal
- 以无穷数乘y.Multiply y by infinity.
- 沃尔特·本雅明(1892-1940)一直以来被看作法兰克福学派的边缘人物。Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) has been regarded as a margin to the Frankfurt School for a long time.
- 假定x=yLet x be y.
- 阿普尔顿,爱德华·维克托1892-1965英国物理学家,因发现F电离层而获1947年诺贝尔奖。A city of eastern Wisconsin on the Fox River southwest of Green Bay. The first hydroelectric plant in the United States was built here in 1882. Population,65,695.
- 使y等于此函数。Place y equal to the function.
- 阿普尔顿,爱德华·维克托1892-1965英国物理学家,因发现F电离层而获1947年诺贝尔奖A city of eastern Wisconsin on the Fox River southwest of Green Bay. The first hydroelectric plant in the United States was built here in1882. Population,65, 695.
- 用y 除Xto divide X by Y
- Y器Y-organ
- 伏蚁蛛 M.volatilis(Peckham et Peckham,1892):皮氏弗列蛛 Phlegra pisarskii Zabka,1985;volatilis(Peckham et Peckham,1892): Phlegra pisarskii Zabka,1985; Telamonia caprina(Simon,1903). One species named Myrmarachne linguiensis is new to science.
- x=y意思是x与y相等。means that x equals y.
- 康普顿,阿瑟·霍利1892-1962美国物理学家,因发现康普顿效应而与别人共获1927年诺贝尔奖A city of southern California, a residential and industrial suburb between Los Angeles and Long Beach. Population,90, 454.
- Y)Eosin Y
- y相关y correlation
- y’相y' phase
- Y辐射V -radiation
- Y含量Y addition
- Y系数Y coefficient