- 节目的回忆:诗选1943-1948"Recollections of the Gala: Selected Poems, 1943-1948"
- 魁北克会议(1943,1944)Quebec Conferences (1943 and 1944)
- 马克·夏加尔(1887-1985):Marc Chagall (1887-1985):
- 在太平洋上的第二次世界大战(1942-1943);岛屿被日军占领后来被美军夺回。a battle in World War II in the Pacific (1942-1943); the island was occupied by the Japanese and later recaptured by American forces.
- 露丝 - 本尼迪克特(1887-1948)是美国杰出的文化人类学家之一。Ruth Benedict (1887- 1948) was one of America's leading cultural anthropologists.
- 在1942和1943两年,还是有大量的人聚集在时代广场,然而很少人会庆祝新年的到来。In nineteen forty-two and 'forty-three crowds still gathered in Times Square, but there was little to celebrate.
- 又本种与陶氏格盔虫(Haeckel, 1887, p.1220, pl.64, fig.10.)This new species is similar to Clathrocorys teuscheri (Haeckel, 1887, p.1220, pl.64, fig.10.)
- 奥基夫,格鲁吉亚1887-1986美国画家,以其给人感官享受的花卉特写绘画而著名American painter known especially for her sensuous close-up paintings of flowers.
- 兰德施泰纳,卡尔1868-1943奥地利裔美籍病理学家。他由于发现人类血型而获得1930年的诺贝尔奖Austrian-born American pathologist. He won a1930 Nobel Prize for the discovery of human blood groups.
- 报告显示,有1887名学生将作弊工具带入考场,这是最为普遍的作弊方式。The most common type of malpractice, involving1,887 students, was smuggling cheating aides into the exam, according to the report.
- 测定了链霉菌属Streptomyces(WaksmanandHenrici,1943)13个类群的代表菌种菌体的红外光谱。The infrared spectra of pure cultures from various group of Streptomyces(Waksman and Henrici,1943),have been recorded, The results showed that the infrared spectra of Streptomyces are finger-print-like patterns which are highly typical and reproducible for different group.
- 格里斯,胡安1887-1927西班牙画家,采用并进一步发展了立体主义,作品有向毕加索致敬(1912年)等Spanish painter who adopted and further developed cubism. His works include Homage to Picasso(1912).
- PPL和PLG分别占同期手术的肺恶性肿瘤的0.5%(10/1887)和0.1%(2/1887).PPL accounted for 10 (0.5%25) of 1887 cases of primary pulmonary malignant carcinoma in the same period, and PLG for 2 (0.1%25) of 1887 cases.
- Arturo Rosenblueth,Norbert Wiener和Julian Bigelow,在他们1943发表的论文中,定义了控制论(cybernetics)这一术语。Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener & Julian Bigelow coin the term "cybernetics" in a 1943 paper
- 伯纳德 - 蒙哥马利(1887-1976),英国陆军元帅,二战期间盟军领导人之一。Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976), British field marshal, who was one of the leading Allied commanders of World War II.
- 霍尔,(马尔古里特)拉德克利夫1886-1943英国作家,其作品孤独之源(1928年),最初被认为是淫秽作品而在伦敦和美国遭禁。American astronomer who discovered and named the two satellites of Mars,Deimos and Phobos(1877).
- 阿尔普,简1887-1966法国画家和达达派创始人之一。尤其以其抽象浮雕和三维雕刻作品闻名French artist and a founder of Dada. He is particularly noted for his abstract reliefs and three-dimensional sculptures.
- 霍尔,(马尔古里特)拉德克利夫1886-1943英国作家,其作品孤独之源(1928年),最初被认为是淫秽作品而在伦敦和美国遭禁American astronomer who discovered and named the two satellites of Mars, Deimos and Phobos(1877).
- 光绪十三年(1887)八月黄河决于河南郑州,河督成孚等立即投入了抢险准备与堵口的工作。In August 1887 AD,the Yellow River flooded in Zhengzhou,Henan. Cheng Fu,the governor of the river,rushed into the repairing work and began to make preparations for it and it took one year and four months to prevent the flood.
- 阿希,小阿瑟 罗伯特生于1943美国网球运动员,是第一个获美国公开个人锦标赛冠军(1968年)和温布尔登个人冠军称号的黑人运动员(1975年)American tennis player who was the first Black player to win the U.S. Open singles championship(1968) and the Wimbledon singles title(1975).