- Let’s go chat with the ape and see if we can tell from its voice. 我们去和那大猩猩谈谈,看看是不是可以用声音来辨别。
- Let 's go and get snow cone at the snack bar. 去小吃摊上买刨冰吧
- Let' s go and watch the Easter parade. 我们去看复活节游行吧。
- The show was not bad. Go and see it. 电影很好,去看看吧。
- Let s go and water the vegetable plots. 咱们去给菜地浇水吧。
- If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself! 你要是不相信我,就自己去看!
- Go and see if the car leaks oil. 去看看汽车是否漏油。
- Come on, Lynn! Let's go and see! 来吧,林恩!让我们去看看!
- Let us go and see the performance. 我们一起去看演出吧。
- Let's go and see a good picture. 让我们去看部好电影。
- Yeah, let's go and see Desperate Housewives. 恩,我们去看绝望的主妇吧。
- I think you ought to go to/to go and see (ie consult) the doctor. 我认为你应当去找医生看看病。
- Let's go and see what we can dig up from the scrap dump. 咱们到废铁堆去找找看能找出什么东西。
- Mr. Robert: OK. Very impressive. Let's go and see the storage yard. 罗伯特先生院好浴真是印象深刻啊浴。
- Go and see how many shovels we have, but don't count in these broken ones. 去看看我们有几把铁锹,不过这几把破的不要算进去。
- Ah! It's OK now. Let's go and see William the Conqueror. 啊!好了。我们去见征服者威廉吧。
- I hear he is in hospital. --Really? Let's go and see him. 我听说他有病住院了。--真的吗?咱们去看看他吧。
- You'd better go and see your doctor. Let me help you to the clinic. 你最好去看医生,我来帮你去诊所。
- Shall we go and see the Zhenhai Tower first? 我们先去参观镇海楼,好吗?
- She had a sudden longing to go and see Aunt Liu. 她突然很想去看望刘大妈。