- Have you ever before been in Mozambique? 是否曾经到过莫桑比克?
- It happened to me once near Quelimane in Mozambique in the 1980s. 上世纪80年代,我在莫桑比克的克利马内就经历过一次这种情况。
- It costs us twice as much to produce sugar in the EU as it does in Mozambique. 欧盟的这一政策使得我们在欧盟内部生产食糖的成本差不多是在莫桑比克的两倍。
- Thousands of jobs were lost in Mozambique because of electricity cuts. 在莫桑比克,电力削减将导致数千个工作岗位消失。
- The Maputo stock exchange in Mozambique was set up in 1998 with the help of the Lisbon stock exchange. 莫桑比克马普托证券交易所是在里斯本证券交易所的帮助下于1998年成立的。
- In Mozambique, he said, a person needing insulin would likely die within 12 months due to a lack of medicine. 他说道,在莫桑比克,需要胰岛素的患者由于缺乏药物,而将在12个月内死去。
- This project was carried out with on-site contacts from the UNHCR and NGOs in Mozambique and Zambia. 这项方案已由UNHCR联合国难民事务高级办事处在莫桑比克和赞比亚实施。
- When you speak of socialism,it can only be socialism suited to conditions in Mozambique. 要讲社会主义,也只能是讲符合莫桑比克实际情况的社会主义。
- It was expected that an IP strategy would be put in place in Mozambique, later in 2006. 预计2006年后期,莫桑比克将出台知识产权战略。
- Portugal is currently the third largest foreign investor in Mozambique, behind South Africa and Australia. 葡萄牙目前是莫第三大投资国,位于南非和澳大利亚之后。
- When you speak of socialism, it can only be socialism suited to conditions in Mozambique. 要讲社会主义,也只能是讲符合莫桑比克实际情况的社会主义。
- The winner of this year's Goldman Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique. 官司的被告原为美国德古士石油公司,但该公司已于2001年被美国雪佛龙石油公司收购。
- The jatropha nuts, which contain 40% oil, were harvested from trees in Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania. 这些主要从莫桑比克、马拉维和坦桑尼亚生长的麻风树果实含有40%25油。
- If there is a call to ask the investment policy in Mozambique, I am very happy to answer either by phone or by holding a meeting. 如果有电话咨询关于在莫桑比克投资政策或条件,我会非常高兴地予以解答,对于较复杂的问题,将安排会面。
- Retraction of investment particularly affected the construction industry in Angola and financial services in Mozambique. 撤回投资对安哥拉的建筑业和莫桑比克的金融服务业的影响特别大。
- Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea (Ref. 8883), Inhaca Island in Mozambique (Ref. 5285), Sri Lanka (Ref. 10361), and Ogasawara Islands (Ref. 26066). 印度-西太平洋:红海(参考文献8883);在莫三比克(参考文献5285),斯里兰卡(参考文献10361)与小笠原群岛的英哈卡岛.;(参考文献26066
- A two-decade civil war in Mozambique that damaged roads and buildings likely protected the pristine forest from exploitation, researchers say. 研究人员说,莫桑比克连续二十年的内战毁坏了道路建筑,也许正因如此这片古老的森林才得以免遭人类的侵扰。
- Kruger National Park in Mozambique and along the junction of the regular activities of wild animals including lions and elephants and so on. 在克鲁格国家公园与莫桑比克交界一带经常活动的野生动物包括狮子和大象等。
- Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea (Ref. 8883), Inhaca Island in Mozambique (Ref. 5285), Sri Lanka (Ref. 10361), and Ogasawara Islands (Ref. 26066). 印度-西太平洋:红海(参考文献8883);在莫三比克(参考文献5285),斯里兰卡(参考文献10361)与小笠原群岛的英哈卡岛.;(参考文献26066
- In rural India the group is assisting farms with crop production and in Mozambique techno serve is helping develop the travel and tourism industry. 在印度的农村,组织正在农作物方面帮助农夫们。在莫桑比克则帮助他们发展旅游业。