- Thicker, myelinated axons transmit impulses faster than thins unmeyelinated axons. 如对稿件内容有疑议,请及时与酷酷英语网联系。
- The regenerating ability through both lyophilized or unlyophilized venous conduits was judged by comparing the number of regenerated vessels and myelinated axons. 而比较中央棋切面有鞘神经轴突数目,发现使用脱水处理过之静脉导管组与未处理过者在神经再生上结果相似。
- Simulation Analysis of Myelinated Axon Block by High Frequency Biphasic Electrical Current Based on Frankenhaeuser-Huxley Model 用高频双向脉冲电刺激实现有髓神经传导阻断的仿真研究
- myelinated axon 有髓(鞘)的轴突
- He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
- He always does what his ma tells him to. 他总是很听妈妈的话。
- He can not operate the ma chine. neither( nor) can I. 他不能操作这台机器。我也不能。
- And wide gaps appeared between axon and myelin sheath, and between layers of myelin shea. 可见轴突与髓鞘间及髓鞘板层间形成宽大的裂隙。
- The optimal ratio of bare axon diameter divided by the total fiber diameter (including the myelin) is 0.6. 裸露轴突直径除以包含髓鞘的纤维总直径,最佳比值是0.;6。
- Dr. Ma had considered going along with Bethune. 马大夫曾考虑和白求恩同行。
- The runaway prisoner landed up ma ditch. 那个逃犯最后死在水沟里。
- The axon must be able to withstand stretching. 轴突必须能经得住伸展。
- Ma was mad with me for spilling the ink. 我把墨水打翻了,妈妈对我非常生气。
- The process of forming a myelin sheath. 髓鞘形成形成髓鞘的过程
- Je vous fais mes excuses pour ma demande brusque ? 请问达人们,请原谅我唐突的要求,这句话怎么说比较有礼貌啊?
- Lacking a myelin sheath.Used of a nerve fiber. 缺少髓鞘的。用来指一根神径纤维。
- The tummy split open, ma not painful? 肚皮裂开,妈不痛?
- Lacking a myelin sheath. Used of a nerve fiber. 缺少髓鞘的。用来指一根神径纤维
- Generally, only large-diameter axons need myelin. 一般而言,只有大直径的轴突需要髓鞘。
- Who will be Ma's next opponent,if he wins today? 如果马今天胜了这盘棋,他的下个对手是谁?