- 多客户端MVC设计模式的研究与应用Research and Application of Multi Terminal MVC Design Pattern
- MVC设计模式在Web应用系统框架中的扩展The expandability of MVC design pattern in Web application frame
- 本文首先介绍了MVC设计模式的概念及优点,接着讨论了经典MVC设计模式在ASP.This paper firstly introduces the concept and advantages of the MVC design pattern, the realization of classic MVC in ASP.
- 设计design
- 文章详细介绍了MVC设计模式下采用J2EE的EJB组件对系统的设计,着重阐述了视图层、模型层和控制层的具体实现。It illuminates every part designing with EJB of J2EE in MVC pattern, emphasis on the realization of view, module and control.
- 为了跨平台和节约开发成本,该系统采用了JAVA语言开发的B/S结构、Struts框架(MVC设计模式)和EJB组件技术。for the sake of spanning platform and saving development charges, the system adopts java, B/S structure, struts framework and EJB component technology.
- Apache Struts是一个基于J2EE平台、实现了MVC设计模式的典型框架,模型由实现业务逻辑的JavaBean或EJB组件去构成,控制器由Action Servlet和Action构成,视图由一组JSP文件构成。Apache struts framework based on the J2EE platform, is a typical framework to implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. Model is made up of JavaBean or EJB that implement the business logic. Controller is constituted by Action Servlet and Action.
- 基于建构主义学习理论的高职高专英语口语教学设计模式Vocational Colleges'English Speech Teaching Mode Based on Theory of Social Constructivism
- 设计模式design pattern
- 交互设计模式Interaction Design Patterns
- MVC设计模式在江西省电力公司工伤保险系统中的应用与研究Research on MVC Design Pattern in Jiangxi Power Supply Company Compo System
- DAO设计模式DAO Design Pattern
- EJB设计模式EJB Design Pattems
- GOF设计模式GOF design model
- JSP设计模式JSP design model
- 三层设计模式Three-Level Design Pattern (TLDP)
- 桥接设计模式bridge design pattern
- 课程设计模式curriculum design pattern
- 算法设计模式design patterns
- 软件设计模式design patterns