- venom pore The opening of the poison gland behind the pectoral fin in certain Ictaluridae (Noturus). 毒液孔在某些鮰科(石鮰)胸鳍后面的毒腺开口。
- 1. Any of several small freshwater North American catfishes of the genus Noturus, having poisonous spines and common in the east-central United States. 连尾鱼:任一种产于北美的小型淡水鲶鱼(鲶鱼),长有带毒的胸刺,常见于美国的中东部
- Elegant madtom 凤头共
- Neosho madtom 适意石回
- Scioto madtom 特氏石回
- Noturus 石回
- Madtom 石回
- Ouachita madtom 拉氏石回
- Frecklebelly madtom 刺石鮰