- In ancient India, adultery was punished by amputation of the nose. 在古代印度,通奸要受到剖鼻的处罚。
- The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class. 刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成; 在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层
- Applause There were many religious paths in ancient India, but why did people follow Shakyamuni Buddha? 像印度以前也有很多教派,那为什么应该找释迦牟尼佛呢?
- Thus in ancient India, eclipses were also forecast and their true nature was perceived at least by the astronomers. 因此在古代印度,日蚀也被预言,它们的真实性质至少被天文学家们得知。
- Coinage dating from the 8th Century B.C. to the17th Century A.D. Numismatic evidence of the advances made by smelting technology in ancient India. 造币的技术可以回溯到公元前八世纪到公元七世纪。钱币的证据表明了古印度有了熔炼的技术。
- In ancient India plays were generally performed either in temple-yard or within palace precincts. 在古印度,戏剧通常要不是在庙宇的庭院里,要不是在宫殿里面举行。
- Once in ancient India a wealthy jeweler was hurrying in his carriage a long the highway to Varanasi. 从前,在古印度有一位富有的珠宝商,名叫潘杜。有一次,他坐着马车赶路去波罗奈做生意。
- Religious rites provided the needed impetus to physical culture in ancient India. 宗教仪式在古印度为体育提供了必要的推动力。
- Rama was a real or mythical king in ancient India, whose life and heroic deeds are related by the Sanskrit epic Ramayana. 罗摩在古印度是一个真实或虚构的国王,一生的英雄事迹在梵语史诗《罗摩衍那》有所记载。
- The origin of Buddhist Logic has a close relation with severe dialectic spirit in ancient India, old Buddhist Logic and the logic research of Nyaya. 佛教逻辑的产生与古印度的激烈论辩风气紧密相关,与古因明家的学术探索相互促成,正理派的逻辑研究更是功不可没,这三方面的融合便促使佛教逻辑的诞生。
- According to research, "Jaume" originated in ancient India's "Dome Family" (northern India), the Dome are mostly ethnic song and dance and Zhanbo Zhe. 据考证,“若姆”源自于古印度的“多姆族”(印度北部),多姆族大多是歌舞者和占卜者。
- In ancient India, the mandala was a round or square mud platform at a meditation site erected to ward off "demons" during meditation sessions of the Esoteric Buddhists. 在古印度,坛城是一圆形和四方行的平台,在密教冥想开会期间在冥想的地方搭起来以挡开“魔鬼”。
- Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight. 古代的士兵用饰有花纹的盾作战。
- Palmistry may have originated in ancient India, and it was probably from their original Indian home that the traditional fortune-telling of the Gypsies was derived. 手相术最初可能起源于古印度,而吉普赛人的预言吉凶可能也是从他们的故土印度衍生出来的。
- In the first chapter, the author discusses the origin and development of Indra"s worship in the contexts of religion and the unique system of caste in ancient India. 第一章,主要研究古印度宗教中因陀罗神(帝释天之前身)崇拜的产生和发展及其与种姓制度之间的关系,并对该神灵的演变过程做了一个划分。
- Many of the present day Olympic disciplines are sophisticated versions of the games involving strength and speed that were common in ancient India and Greece. 今天,奥运会上的许多项目普遍都是从古印度和古希腊的力量和速度型游戏中经过漫长演变而来的。
- Gold Wheel: In ancient India, wheels were a powerful weapon. Later, it was adopted by Buddhism to represent power of Buddhism like an ever revolving wheel. 金轮古印度时,轮是一种杀伤力强大的武器。后为佛教借用,象征佛法象轮子一样旋转不停,永不停息。
- A belt or girdle worn by men in ancient Greece. 腰带古希腊男人用的腰带或束带
- In ancient times lepers were thought unclean. 在古代,麻疯病人被认为是不洁净的。
- Though it should be admitted that with their unaided observations with crude instruments, the astronomers in ancient India were able to arrive at near perfect measurement of astronomical movements and predict eclipses. 应当承认,这些古代印度天文学家只用了粗糙的工具进行独立观察,他们得出了接近完美的天体运动结果和预测了日蚀。