- Mayama Seika 真山青果(1878-1948),日本人,小说家、剧作家。
- The costly books were bid in at the sale of 1878. 那些昂贵的书籍在1878年的那次拍卖中由书的主人自己以高价买下。
- The first core memory was envisioned in 1948. 在1948年第一个磁芯存贮器问世。
- The annual Roll dates back to 1878. 这一每年举行的活动可以追溯到1878年。
- Sri Lanka became independent of England in 1948. 斯里兰卡于年从英国获得独立。
- The Sultan asked for an armistice in January 1878. 1878年1月苏丹要求停火。
- It was established on 7 April 1948. 它于1948年4月7日建立。
- Jarvis died in 1948 at the age of 84. 加维斯于1948年去世,享年84岁。
- Her last book was published posthumously in 1948. 她最后的一本书在她死后于1948 年出版了。
- T.S.Eliot won the 1948 Nobel Prize in Literature. 艾略特在1948年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。
- Front cover of Kinsey's first “report” of 1948. 金西于1948年发表的首个“报告”的封面。
- Israel coming back to their own land in 1948. 以色列人在1948年返回他们自己的地。
- Average annual precipitation 1948 mm. 年均降水量1948毫米。
- Yu Youren was born in 1878 in Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province . 于右任(1878-1964),陕西三原县人。
- His pictures were shown at the Paris exposition of 1878. 他的画在1878年巴黎博览会上展览过。
- Oliver (1942,1948) has followed meteor trails to measure winds. 奥利弗(1942,1948)曾跟踪流星尾迹测量风。
- This is where my grandfather lived and worked in 1948 . 这就是我祖父于1948年生活和工作过的地方。
- It was the main song in the musical film Easter Parade in 1948. 它成为1948年的音乐剧《复活节游行》的主题曲,
- Oliver(1942, 1948)has followed meteor trails to measure winds. 奥利弗(1942,1948)曾跟踪流星尾迹测量风。
- Mr Charest will head the province's first minority government since 1878. 沙雷将要领导该省自1878年以来的第一个少数派政府。