- In 1936, Admiral Aimone di Savoia was able to get funding for a new assault weapon, the "barchino" This wooden boat had one pilot placed on an ejectable seat astern. 于1936年,海军上将Aimone迪萨沃亚号是能够获得资金的一种新的攻击武器, “ barchino ”这木船有一个试点放在弹出式座椅后退。
- With a long Hanage do assault weapons fighter really is a joke! 一个用长长的鼻毛来做攻击武器的战士,真够搞笑的!
- Gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market. 黑帮总在黑市购买攻击性武器。
- Calls for permanently reinstating assault weapons ban. 呼吁永久恢复对攻击性武器的禁令。
- HAW ( Heavy Antitank Assault Weapon) 重型反坦克攻击武器
- Chaos Raptor with Assault Weapon 装备突击武器
- Chaos Space Marine with Assault Weapon 混沌步兵装备突击武器
- Close Combat Laser Assault Weapon 近战激光突击武器
- Light Anti-Tank Assault Weapon System 轻型反坦克突击武器系统
- Light Multi-Purpose Assault Weapon 轻型多用途攻击武器
- Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon 侧翼发射的进攻武器
- Shoulder-Launched Multi-Purpose Assault Weapon 侧发射多用途进攻武器
- Advanced Tactical Assault Weapon 高级战术突击武器
- Three masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car. 三个讲塞尔维亚语的蒙面男子挥动着进攻性武器伏击了警车。
- Jack quickly tells Mason that there are six men with assault weapons there, and Victor jerks the phone away. 杰克迅速地知会梅森,这里有6个武装分子,配备攻击性武器,维克多疾速将话筒拿开了。
- On the stump, he defended his proposal to ban assault weapons by pointing out that you don't need an Uzi to hunt deer. 在这个疑难问题上,他为其就职计划辩护,应禁止攻击性武器,同时指出,扑杀一头鹿无需使用”乌齐”冲锋枪。
- The Democrats in the conference knew it would be much harder to filibuster the overall crime bill than the assault weapons ban standing alone. 参加会议的民主党人知道,通过议事阻挠整个打击犯罪的法案,要比单独阻挠进攻性武器禁令困难得多。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- Just before the House vote, Speaker Tom Foley and majority leader Dick Gephardt had made a last-ditch appeal to me to remove the assault weapons ban from the bill. 就在众议院表决之前,议长汤姆.;福利和多数党领袖迪克
- He roped up the long sticks as a weapon. 他把长棍用绳子捆在一起当武器用。