- In 1624 (4th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Tianqi) Dutch colonialists invaded and occupied the southern part of Taiwan. 1624年(明天启4年),荷兰殖民者侵占台湾南部。
- What do you know about Ming Emperor Yongle? 关于明朝的永乐皇帝你知道些什么?
- The last Ming emperor hanged himself from this tree. 明朝最后一个皇帝就是在这棵树上吊死的。
- The recipe of roasting ducks was first developed by a chef who prepared food for a Ming emperor. 烤鸭的做法由一位给明朝皇帝做饭的厨师首创。
- In 1642 (15th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Chongzhen) the Dutch evicted the Spaniards and took over north Taiwan. 1642年(明崇祯15年),荷兰又取代西班牙占领台湾北部。
- Zijincheng was built in 1420 by the third Ming emperor Yongle who, upon usurping the throne, had decided to move his capital north to Beijing. 明代第三位皇帝朱棣在夺取帝位后,决定迁都北京,即开始营造这座宫殿,至明永乐十八年(1420年)落成。
- The front side of the marble column bears an inscription by the fourth Ming emperor. 这个大理石柱上有明朝第四个皇帝写的碑文。
- The lecherous Ming emperor Cheng Teh sat on the throne, women were utterly subservient to men. 淫君在位,当时的妇女被视为服侍男人的工具。
- The first act mainly describes that Ming emperor gave order to select the captain for westwards voyages. 头折写明成祖下令选拔下西洋统帅,众官员推举三保太监郑和为下西洋正使。
- Story: han BanChao, send by Ming emperor, dozens of people now make civet and departments. 故事: 东汉时,班超受明帝派遣,率领几十个人现使西域,屡建奇功。
- "Our entire industry and the Ming Emperor Group is in the winter grew up in the hot cause. “我们整个产业及皇明集团就是在寒冬中成长起来的火热事业。
- The first Ming Emperor, Hongwu (Zhu Yuanzhang - pictured above) opted to use the name Ming for the dynastic name. 明朝的第一个皇帝,洪武大帝(朱元璋-图片如上)选择用“明”作为王朝的名字。
- Zijincheng was built in 1420 by the third Ming emperor Yongle who,upon usurping the throne,had decided to move his capital north to Beijing. 明代第三位皇帝朱棣在夺取帝位后,决定迁都北京,即开始营造这座宫殿,至明永乐十八年(1420年)落成。
- When the city of Beijing was laid out in its current plan (1406 - 1420 AD) during the reign of Ming Emperor YongLe, Beihai Park was restructured. 北京城被建设是在公元1406-1420年明朝的永乐年间,北海公园被重新调整了。
- Muslim eunuch from Central Asia, Zheng persuaded a Ming emperor, Zhu Di, to finance the most extraordinary expeditions the world had ever seen. 郑和是一位来自中亚,信奉穆斯林的宦官。他说服当时的明朝皇帝朱棣去支持他进行世界历史上最伟大的一次探险活动。
- At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the third Ming emperor, YongLe, created one of the most dazzling architectural masterpieces in the world. 在十五世纪初期,永乐年间明朝的第三个皇帝朱棣,建造了这个在建筑史上最耀眼的建筑之一。
- The assemblyman that Roman patriarch meets people like to immerse to talk casually about in piscina woman, tang Ming emperor builds Hua Qingchi for Yang Yu annulus. 罗马元老会的议员们喜欢浸泡在浴池里闲话女人,唐明皇为杨玉环建造华清池。
- The first act mainly describes that Ming emperor gave order to select the captain for westwards voyages.Zheng He, a Sanbao eunuch, was chosen by officials as the emissary of westwards voyages. 头折写明成祖下令选拔下西洋统帅,众官员推举三保太监郑和为下西洋正使。
- Wudang.This paper rectified deviation inunderstanding the naming of Mt.Wudang, and made an indepth exploration of the causes that the Ming emperor ZHU Di built Mt.Wudang energetically. 本文对其中关于武当山得名认识上的偏差予以了驳正,并对明成祖大力营建武当山的深层次原因作了深入探讨。
- Yes. This is the central building in the inner court where the Ming emperors used to live. 是的,这是内宫的中心建筑,明朝的皇帝住在这里。