- Nuclear size effects are intertwined with nuclear force effects. 原子核大小的影响与核力的影响纠缠在一起。
- They are immune to the nuclear force that strongly influences nucleons. 强烈影响核子的核力对电子是没有作用的。
- During this period,China also conducted missile nuclear weapon tests,initially forming its own nuclear self-defense and counter-attack strength. 在此期间,中国还进行了导弹核武器试验,初步形成了自己的自卫核反击力量。
- To destroy(an enemy or enemy target) with more nuclear force than necessary. 超量杀伤用超过必要量的核力量摧毁(敌军或敌军目标)
- During this period, China also conducted missile nuclear weapon tests, initially forming its own nuclear self-defense and counter-attack strength. 在此期间,中国还进行了导弹核武器试验,初步形成了自己的自卫核反击力量。
- China's nuclear force is under the direct command of the Central Military Commission (CMC). 中国的核武装力量直接由中央军事委员会指挥。
- According to the researchers, "brava" and "Topol-M" intercontinental ballistic missile will be the future of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, the main body. 据研究人员介绍,“布拉瓦”与“白杨-M”洲际弹道导弹将成为未来俄战略核力量的主体。
- The achievements and the remaining problems of the nucleon structure and nuclear force are reviewed. 摘要评述了核子结构和核力研究取得的成就及存在的问题。
- Theories of supersymmetry predict that the neutralino will interact by a force stronger than gravitation: the weak nuclear force. 超对称理论预言:中性伴子将藉著弱核力这种比重力更强的力,与其他物体作用。
- Neutrinos have a very small mass, do not interact via either the electromagnetic or the strong nuclear force and so are incredibly difficult to detect. 微中子具有很小的质量,不经由要么电磁力要么强核力彼此作用而因此极难探测发现。
- A similar problem faced particle theorists after Enrico Fermi introduced his effective theory of the weak nuclear force in 1934. 类似的问题在1934年也出现过,当时费米(EnricoFermi)引进了他的弱核力有效理论,让粒子物理学家伤透脑筋。
- Air-to-Underwater Missile Nuclear 空中对水下核导弹
- North Korea says the hardline US stance at the Beijing nuclear negotiations means there is no point in holding further talks and it has no choice but to enhance its nuclear force. 朝鲜方面称,在北京举行的核武器会谈上,美国表现的强硬态度意味着两国再没有举行更多会谈的必要。朝鲜已经没有任何选择,只有加大它在核方面的力度。
- In meson-exchange model description of nuclear force, themost important one is the pseudoscalar meson pions, which provide the longest range force between to nucleons. 重新开这栋楼所发表的主贴,跟那个帖子已经完全不同,你只用针对这栋楼发表的主贴回复。
- The scalar meson sigma mediates the intermediate range nuclear force, and the vector mesons are important to understand the repulsion core of nuclear force. 我提到一般介子是标量粒子,这句话引起误会,并不是我以为只存在标...
- The right way to reduce our excess nuclear forces is in parallel with Russia. 减少我们过剩核力量的正确途径是与俄罗斯齐头并进。
- The quantum field theory of the strong nuclear force is called quantum chromodynamics, and describes the interactions of the subnuclear particles: quarks and gluons. 强核力量子场论就是所谓的量子色动力学,而描述了亚核粒子的相互作用:夸克和胶子。
- It is highly unlikely that Obama will pursue the "revitalisation" of the US nuclear force, as he has already logged his opposition to the Reliable Replacement Warhead programme. 奥巴马很有可能不坚持要振兴美国的核力量,因为他已经表示反对“可靠替换弹头计划”。
- India Devotes Major Efforts to Developing Missile Nuclear Weapons 印度大力发展导弹核武器
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。