- Miyamoto Yuriko 宫本百合子(1899-1951),日本人,女小说家。
- The conference was held at the Hague in 1899. 这个会议是1899年在海牙举行的。
- The Korean war touched off scarebuying in 1951. 年韩战引起了抢购。
- London had its hottest day yesterday since 1899. 昨天伦敦是1899年以来最热的一天。
- They were held in 1899 (eighteen ninety-nine). 是在1899年举行的。
- In 1899, he was captured by the Boers, but escaped. 一八九九年他被波尔人俘虏,但逃脱了。
- Then in 1951, he published East of Eden. 其后,他在1951年发表了《伊甸园以东》。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer . 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded him in 1951. 1951他被授予了诺贝尔和平奖。
- In 1899, IWC produced its first wristwatches. 1899年,万国表公司推出了第一款腕表。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer. 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- ALICE HEFFERNAN: I've been baptized since 1951. ALICE安丽丝.;赫弗南:我自1951年受洗。
- JAPAN. Tokyo. Meiji Temple. Shinto priests. 1951. 1951年,日本东京,明治寺的神道教僧侣。
- JAPAN. Kyoto. Bunraku puppet player BUNGORO. 1951. 1951年,日本京都,木偶戏表演者文五郎。
- In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. 在1951年8月,计划被更名为朝鲜蓟。
- Miyamoto said Yamaguchi's compensation would not increase. 茂敏郎表示山口勉的补助不会因此提升。
- Miyamoto: [Laughs] That is a question that always comes up. 这是一个时常被提起的问题。
- In 1951, the laws against Witchcraft were repealed in England. 在1951年,英格兰废除了反对魔法的法律。
- The fractional part is interpreted as December 30, 1899. 小数部分被视为,1899年12月30日。
- He and his family returned to the United States In 1951. 1951年,他与家人回到美国。