- I'd like to bring Mr Huang and Ms Sun with me. 我想要带黄先生和孙小姐一起去。
- I 'd like to bring Mr Huang and Ms Sun with me . 我想要带黄先生和孙小姐一起去。
- Mr Huang, Ms Katherine Cheah & Malaysia Silver Directors. 黄先生丶谢凤群女士与马来西亚银阶企业经理。
- Oh,Mr Huang! This is George Richter speaking. I have been excepting your call. 啊!黄先生!我是GeorgeRichter。我正在等你的电话。
- Oh, Mr Huang! This is George Richter speaking. I have been excepting your call. 啊!黄先生!我是GeorgeRichter。我正在等你的电话。
- This year’s edition covers a scope of topics including the food crisis, microbreweries, Texas barbecue, cookbook authors, and localism in China. 本年度版的话题涵盖了食品危机,小型酿酒厂,德州烤肉,烹饪书作者,以及中国风。
- There will be a standard edition, containing the game on four CD-ROM disks, and a collector’s edition with a plethora of included World of Warcraft memorabilia. 将会出现一个含有4张游戏碟的标准版本和一个包含魔兽世界大事记的收藏者版本。
- Mr Huang became a standing committee member in 2002 and is one of four vice premiers of China. 黄先生在 2002 年变成一个常务委员会成员并且是一四副中国的总理。
- Since April 30TH, The Collection` s Edition (Gold) of Beijing Olympic Emblem” will start to sell at Wangfujing Gongmei Emporium official licensed products flagship store. 3月30日起,“北京奥运徽宝黄金珍藏版”在王府井工美大厦奥运会特许商品旗舰店开始销售。北京市其它奥运特许商品零售店和京外城市的奥运特许商品零售店将陆续开始销售。
- Mr Huang Kan revealed several different implications of "chapters and sentences" in the Reading Notes of WEN XIN DIAO LONG. 摘要黄侃先生《文心雕龙札记》揭示了“章句”的几个不同涵义。
- Mr Huang also debunked the suggestion that China would be able to "rescue" the West from the current financial downturn. 黄先生还揭穿关于中国可以“拯救”西方于目前的经济低迷的说法。
- In the run-up to Mr Huang's arrest, the company's operations were being stung by rising credit costs and waning consumer demand. 在黄光裕被捕前,该公司的运营已受到信贷成本上升、消费者需求萎缩的打击。
- A: Yes, we plan to add more bind-to-account items in the future, including the Wrath of the Lich King Collector’s Edition pet and the heirloom items being introduced in Wrath of the Lich King. A:是的。将来我们计划增加新的帐号绑定物品,包括巫妖王之怒豪华版本宠物和巫妖王之怒中的金色物品。
- Found in Sunday’s edition of The Times of London, an article by Kate Spicer and Abul Tahrreport documents a trend of increasing Web adoption among girls and young women in both the US and UK. 根据伦敦时报周末版的一篇文章,英美两国的女孩和年轻女性使用网络的人数不断攀升。
- Mrs Beckett first met the Governor of Guangdong, Mr Huang Huahua, with whom she discussed Guangdongs economy, energy issues and the impacts of climate change. 贝克特女士首先与广东省省长黄华华先生会面并讨论了广东的经济、能源与气候变化的影响等议题。
- The company, which is registered offshore, owns only 850 of the stores and manages the remainder, which are owned by Mr Huang through an onshore investment vehicle. 该公司在海外注册,仅拥有850家分店,同时对黄光裕通过一个在岸投资工具所拥有的其他分店进行管理。
- Mr Huang, 69, who had been ill with pancreatic cancer for many months, died this morning at the 301 military hospital in western Beijing, The Times learnt from Chinese sources. 对胰脏的癌感到生病许多月的 69 岁的黄先生, 今天早晨在北京西部的 301 军事的医院死了,泰晤士报从中国来源学习。
- Some reports suggested that political change in southern China, where Mr Huang is from, may have altered the regulatory environment to his disadvantage. 也有些报道指出,由于其家乡中国南部发生政治变动,制度环境也产生了对他不利的变化。
- There is no mechanism to resolve strategic disagreements between Mr Huang and Bain Capital, or clarity over his ability or desire to retain his Gome holding. 没有任何机制能够解决黄光裕与贝恩资本之间的战略分歧,也无法澄清他保留国美股份的能力或愿望。
- In an interview two weeks ago, Mr Huang appeared up-beat about the immediate future for Gome, despite investor concerns about a slowing economy and the company's tight finances. 在两周前的一次访谈中,相对于投资者对弱势经济及公司财政紧张状况的担忧,黄先生对国美的未来表现出了很大的信心。