- The patient will have a satisfactory level of pain control, relief of nausea and vomiting, normal bowel sounds within 72 hours, absence of fever, and lungs clear to auscultation. 病人对疼痛控制、恶心呕吐缓解感到满意,72小时内肠鸣音正常,不发烧,肺部听诊无杂音。
- normal bowel sounds 正常肠鸣者
- The patient has active bowel sounds and is passing flatus. 病人出现活跃的肠鸣音并开始排气。
- Begin by auscultating the abdomen to assess the bowel sounds. 从听诊腹部评估肠鸣音开始。
- However, intermittent, voluminous, and bile-stained vomiting, and nausea developed on the 2nd post operative day, despite normal appetite and bowel sounds. 于接受了脊椎矫正手术术后第二天发生恶心及间断性含胆汁大量呕吐,然而病患之食欲及肠音仍保持正常。
- Mrs. Wood: I hae not passed gas yet. But I can hear the bowel sounds. 你可以听到肠鸣音的话,我想你的消化功能就恢复得差不多了。
- Results:The study detected that the vasa recta of normal bowel was different from that described in textbooks. 结果:正常小肠血管的形态、分布与传统观点不尽相同。
- The dark red to grey infarcted bowel contrasts with the pale pink normal bowel at the bottom. 暗红甚至是灰色的梗死肠段与下部的粉红色正常肠段有着明显的区别。
- If you cannot hear bowel sounds within five minutes,it may indicate a bowel obstruction. 如果你在五分钟内没有听到肠鸣音,可能暗示着有肠梗阻。
- The rectum ends where it passes through the pelv ic floor at which it angles sharply backward and downward so as to retain normal bowel control. 由于会阴体在盆底中央位置相对固定,肛直前、后角在排便与排便控制过程中变动的幅度有较大的差别。
- A. Assess pain, lungs, cardiac status, fundal height, lochia, passing of flatus, bowel movement, distension, tenderness, bowel sounds, incision. 评估疼痛,肺,心脏状况,基础体重,恶露,排气,肠蠕动,腹胀,压痛,肠鸣音,切口。
- Antibiotics are usually not indicated in the treatment of diarrhea because they can cause diarrhea by altering normal bowel flora. 感染性腹泻综合症病人不宜服用抗蠕动药物,因为这可能延长感染源的接触时间。止泻药不宜长期服用。
- Chewing gum appears to speed up the return of normal bowel function by stimulating nerves in the digestive system, say the UK report's authors. 这份英国报告的作者说,嚼口香糖似乎会藉著刺激消化系统神经,加速恢复正常肠子功能。
- The time needed for recovery of bowel sounds, anal exsufflation, defecation and hospital stay was shorter and hospital fee lower in EN group than those in PN group (P=0.000). 术后并发症发生率肠内营养组明显低于静脉营养组(P<0.;01),而肠内营养组腹泻发生率高于静脉营养组(P=0
- When the appendix lies on the left side due to transposition of viscera or failure of normal bowel rotation during embryonic life, the symptoms occur on the left. 当由于内脏移位或由于在胚胎期肠管没能正常转旋因而阑尾位于左面时,症状出现于左方。
- British researchers say it's a great idea for some patients.Chewing gum may speed the return of normal bowel function after colon surgery, a new analysis of five studies suggests. 睡眠改变被认为至少是荷尔蒙水平改变的一种结果,研究发现雌二醇,体内最主要的雌激素减少,对入睡困难和觉醒次数都有影响;
- Parenteral fluids are administered to provide the patient with fluids and electrolytes until bowel sounds return. Occasionally, ice chips may be ordered because they relieve a dry mouth. 在肠鸣音恢复前,非肠道补液可为病人体内液体和电解质。有时可在护嘱中使用冰棒,他们可以起到缓解口干的作用。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去纽约的来回票标准价是56元。