- Fen was then also a fa- mous neo - Confucian. 冯先生后来又成了一位著名的新儒家。
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- Do you approve of the neo design? 您赞成这种新设计吗?
- Neo: You haven't answered my question. 你还没回答我的问题呢。
- Please, Neo, you have to trust me. 请你相信我。
- Here we are at the Confucian Temple. 现在我们来到孔庙。
- Neo - You haven""t answered my question. 你还没有回答我的问题。
- The Confucian Temple was built in his honor. 孔庙是为纪念孔子而建的。
- Neo: Programs hacking programs. Why? 尼欧?程式入侵程式。为什麽?
- Neo: You haven answered my question. 你还没回答我的问题。
- They could recite whole pages of Confucian thought. 他们可以背诵儒家思想的整个篇章。
- Neo: Cipher, I need to learn Kongfu Now. 我要马上学习中国功夫,就现在。
- Are the Confucian teachings still relevant? 孔孟思想还有用吗?
- LF (4 ohms) - dual 10-inch reflex neo. 低频(4欧姆)-双10英寸反射新.
- HF - dual 1-inch exit Mylar neo. 高频-双1英寸出口聚酯薄膜新。
- LF (12 ohms) - single 8-inch horn-loaded neo. 低频(12欧姆)-单8英寸喇叭加载。
- But on the whole,Confucian good sense forbids it. 可是在大体上说来,儒家的健全的意识是反对这种行为的。
- It's the question that drives us, Neo . 有个问题驱使着我们,尼欧。
- Conservatism, Kristol-style, acquired a “neo”. 克氏风格的保守主义被冠以“新”这个前缀。
- Confucian Inflects, Book II, "Wed Cheng". 见《论语 - 为政第二》。