- Nogi Maresuke 乃木希典(1849-1912),日本人,陆军大将。
- "OBligatory seppuku was abolished in 1873, But voluntary seppuku continued to occur. Notable 20th-century examples included those of army officer Nogi Maresuke and writer Yukio Mishima. " 被迫切腹自杀于1873年被废除,但自愿切腹自杀的事件仍持续至今。三岛由纪夫的切腹自杀便是20世纪的一个著名例子
- The Republic of China was born in 1912. 中华民国诞生于一九一二年。
- The year 1849 witnessed a great war in Hungary. 一八四九年匈牙利发生了一场大战。
- The committee was established in 1912. 这个委员会创立于1912年。
- The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. 1912年,清华学堂更名为清华学校。
- Modern pentathlon became an Olympic event in 1912. 现代五项在1912年被列为奥运会项目。
- The Stockholm Olympic Games in 1912. 1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会。
- By 1912 explorers like Roald Amundsen, Robert F. 早在1912年Roald Amundsen; Robert F.
- Codification will be appointed in 1912 Compilation. 1912年任法典编纂会纂修。
- Thus it came about that the year 1849 saw a great war in Hungary. 就这样在1849年在匈牙利发生了一场大战。
- The Titanic sailed for America from England on April 10th, 1912. 1912年4月10日泰坦尼克号从英格兰驶向美国。
- In 1912 the ocean liner titanic sank on its maiden voyage. 远洋邮轮泰坦尼克号1912年在其处女航中沉没。
- The Titanic sailed for America from England on April 10th,1912. 1912年4月10日泰坦尼克号从英格兰驶向美国。
- Titanic sank on her maiden voyage across the atlantic in 1912. 1912年,泰坦尼克号在它横越大西洋的处女航中,即沉于汪洋。
- When the father died in 1849, the younger Strauss took over his orchestra. 1849年父亲逝世,小约翰接管了他的乐队。
- Titanic'd sunk on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic in 1912. 1912年,泰坦尼克号在它横越大西洋的处女航中,即沉于汪洋。
- Between 1912 and 1916, Irving Berlin wrote more than 180 songs. 在1912年和1916年间,欧文?伯林创作的歌曲超过180首。
- When the father died in 1849,the younger Strauss took over his orchestra. 1849年父亲逝世,小约翰接管了他的乐队。
- Titanic ' sunk on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic in 1912 . 1912年,泰坦尼克号在它横越大西洋的处女航中,即沉于汪洋。