- North Korean Air Force 朝鲜空军
- In inferior strength on anding equips in the quantity in the Korean air force, though they fight bravely, But the airport within the border of Korea is all bombed. 朝鲜空军在数量和装备上均处于劣势,尽管他们英勇作战,但朝鲜境内的机场还是全部被炸。
- Now, men are enlisting for the air force. 现正在招募空军。
- An old Air Force war horse is getting a new assignment. 一架空军旧式飞机奉命执行一项新的任务。
- His father died on North Korean soil. 他的父亲死在了在朝鲜的国土上。
- North Korean premier arrives in China. 北朝鲜总理到达中国.
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point. 我认为北朝鲜的社会制度在某个时候必将崩溃。
- In World War II, General Lee was in command of the air force. 二战期间,李将军统率空军部队。
- KOREAN AIR HANGZHOU OFFICEU1U.S.A.ON-LINEANC、HNL、LAX、SFO,SEA... 宁波腾欣国际物流有限公司>>类别:空运浙江省-宁波市2008-12-2510:23
- With flights by Korean Air and Asiana now re-routed, the government has urged North Korea immediately to withdraw threats against flights. 随着大韩航空和韩亚航空的航班现在转接;政府立即(已经)促使北朝鲜撤销对航班的威胁.
- Russia says the North Korean device being tested had an explosive force of5,000 to15,000 tons of TNT. 俄罗斯表示朝鲜测试核设备具有5;000到15;000吨tnt的爆炸力量.
- He services in a squadron of US Air Force. 他在一支美国空军部队里服役。
- Seoul Keeps Quiet on North Korean Missile Launch Reports. 韩国对朝鲜发射导弹的报道不置一词。
- This plane is configured for our air force. 这架飞机是按我们空军作战要求装配的。
- Powell breaks ice with North Korean foreign minister. 年布什当选美国总统以来,朝美高级官员的首次会晤。外电有新闻标题说
- North Korean premier lauds China as regional bulwark. 北朝鲜总理称赞中国为地区支柱.
- A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16. 一位年轻的空军军官担任了阿波罗16号登月舱的驾驶员。
- Samore said."This whole test could be good for North Korean sales. 整体测试为北韩的销售是有益的。"
- He is a Major in the US Air Force. 他是美国空军的少校。