- As the local shaman and medium to the other world, Kagemi's knowledge in local lore gives Misaki much more to wonder about. 美曾因疏忽而导致姐姐的孩子意外身亡,她非常了解早苗身心所受的创伤,与浩市前去劝阻仁成,却想不到这正是一连串恐怖事件的开始。。。。。。
- One day, when Misaki and Koichi visit Jinsei and meets up their friend, Sanae suddenly shows up.Without any warning, she charges at Jinsei with a scythe. 晚宴中浩市朋的祖母给枚讲述了冲绳红发妖怪的故事,引起了美极大的兴趣。
- Knowing that Misaki is entranced by the legend of Kijimuna, Jinsei introduces Misaki to a young female writer Kagemi Hiyajo to tell Misaki the darker side of the Kijimuna at Okinawa. 仁成非常真恨早苗,不让她与仁太见面,更对她拳打脚踢。
- misaki striped gobyn. 大头条虾虎鱼
- Misakin. 三崎(在日本;东经 140º53' 北纬 35º19')