- Johann and plum are busy to work always. 约翰和梅一直忙于工作。
- We continued our walk in the small town St. Ulrich. 我们继续步行于圣乌尔立赫小镇。
- St. Ulrich is famous for wood carving. 圣乌尔立赫小镇以木雕而著名。
- Sheep May Safely Graze@ by Johann Sebastian Bach. 约翰?塞巴斯蒂安?巴赫的《羊可以安全地吃草》。
- JOHANN STRAUSS II Kunstler Quadrille op. 艺术家四对舞曲。
- Johann Sebastian Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring! 巴哈:耶稣,人心仰望的喜悦!(节录)
- It is official now: Milan have signed Johann Vogel. 这是官方消息:米兰已经签下了沃格尔。
- Listen to music by Johann Sebastian Bach. 听听约翰.;塞巴斯蒂安
- Johann Strauss II-Napoleon Marsch op. 156 拿破仑进行曲 2.
- Johann Cruyff played for us that night. 那晚克鲁伊夫为我们比赛了。
- Johann Strauss II-Russischer Marsch op. 426 俄罗斯进行曲 15.
- China is their single largest trading partner," Ulrich said. 中国是他们唯一最大的贸易伙伴。
- Doctor Ulrich Leisinger of the International Mozarteum Foundation. 国际莫扎特基金会的莱星尔博士如是说。
- Was composed by the German composer-- Johann Strauss Junior. 是由德国作曲家小约翰。施特劳斯创作的。
- Johann Strauss the younger wrote more than 400 waltzes, ? 小施特劳斯写了400多首圆舞曲,是吗?
- "The Czar wants a military alliance with England," Ulrich told Feliks. “沙皇想在军事上和英国结盟,”尤里奇告诉费利克斯。
- Johann von Goethe: The eternal hen-principle made it do it. 为了遵照永恒的母鸡定律。
- Ulrich says as the world economy recovers, China's exports also will recover. 李晶说,随着世界经济复苏,中国的出口将得以恢复。
- Johann Strauss II-An der schonen,blauen Donau,Walzer op. 314 蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲 21.
- A. Dave Ulrich (1997), Human Resource Champion, MA : Harvard Business School. 李诚主编(2001),高科技产业人力资源管理,台北:天下文化出版,