- 线thread
- 一种a sort of
- 在线in-line
- 史密斯对一种新塑料的实验获得了成功,收到了很好的效果。Smith's experiment on a new kind of plastic has caught on and he's got a good result.
- "什么时候吃晚饭?已经6点了。" "是的,是的,我尽快做好。记住忍耐是一种美德。""When am I going to get my supper? It's after six already." "Now, now. You'll get it as soon as I can manage. Remember that patience is a virtue."
- "任何一种个人的业余爱好,如体育活动,音乐,集邮等等在他的生活中从未有过地位。""Any personal hobbies such as sports, music and collecting stamps never had a place in his life."
- "返回正在燃烧的大楼内去营救被困在里面的受伤者,这是一种英雄行为。"It was an act of heroism to go back into the burning building to save the wounded trapped within.
- 波尔卡舞源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈A lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples.
- 空气,无论是气态的还是液态的,都是一种流体。Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
- 阴影线地图上使用的一种短线,用于表示不同的明暗程度或山坡及其坡度和方向One of the short lines used on maps to shade or to indicate slopes and their degree and direction.
- 一种靠近吃水线的鱼雷被点燃的管子。a tube near the waterline of a vessel through which a torpedo is fired.
- 钱布雷绸一种由白线穿过彩色纵向线的精细轻织物A fine, lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp.
- 嵌芯辫带一种狭长的扁穗带或织物软线。用作装饰A narrow flat braid or rounded cord of fabric used for trimming.
- 花式针迹接缝将线在接缝处十字交叉缝边的一种方法A method of joining hemmed edges by crisscrossing thread over an open seam.
- 在精密装置中,作为一种十字线或分度标记而使用的细线条。A fine line employed as a graticule marker or an index in a precision device.
- 一种临时把线系到钩上的简单的栓。a simple hitch used for temporarily attaching a line to a hook.
- 一种在纺织过程中穿过经线的纺织线。the thread woven across the warp yarn in weaving.
- 一种新的山脊线和山谷线自动提取方法A New Method for Automatic Extraction of Ridge and Valley Axes from DEM
- 围棋日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with19 vertical and19 horizontal lines.
- 一种用羊肠制成的线,经常在手术时用。a strong cord made from the intestines of sheep and used in surgery.