- Pema has two children and three grandchildren. 她有两个孩子和三个孙子。
- Precious master of unrepayable kindness, Pema Ledrel Tsal, Remain as the crown ornament on the top of my head, I pray! 大恩之师龙青巴尊者,如同我心中皇冠之顶的珍宝,我向您祈求!
- Later Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck also married Ashi Pema Dechen, the sister of his first consort. 后来晋美又娶了旁措却登的妹妹白马德青。
- Pema Bhum. Newly-Discovered Artwork by Gedun Chosphel[N].LATSE LIBRARY NEWSLETTER, NEW York, FALL 2004(VOLUME)II. 克尔提活佛洛桑丹增.;更敦群培论述集[C]
- Padmasambhava also indicated that beings who practice at Pema Tang will speed up to attain the dharani achievement. 莲花生大士曾经授记:“若人在此修行,能速得持明成就;
- Pema AF,Castaldo P,Lngrosso D,et al.Homocysteine,a new cardiovasc ular risk factor[J].Nephrol,1999 ;12 (2):2301. 孙公平;朱新旺.;同型半胱氨酸与动脉粥样硬化性血管病[J]
- His father came from the noble family of Dungkar Chojie, descendent of Terton Pema Lingpa. 他的父亲来自当卡却杰的贵族家庭 ,是佛教伏藏大师佩玛卡玛林巴的后裔。
- At Tso Pema you will experience an idyllic land reminiscent of the Chinese’s Peach Blossom myth. 我看到的是一个被政府过度规划,过度保护的死城。
- Pema Ledretsal also predicted and emanation of Chaka would come, as did many others. 贝玛.;来德瑞车也有关于卡拉将降临世间的语言和指示。
- As Pema Chodron says, “ When we meet our edge and we just can't stand it, we find all kinds of ways to escape. 就好像PemaChodron说的:“当我们遇到挑战,我们无法忍受,我们找各种各样的方式逃避。
- On a nice day we did a day trip to Tso Pema (which literally translates to Lake Lotus (see note)), a 3-hour drive away from Bir. 可是,当我卸下了行囊,看过了唯一带著一点苗族精神的长裙苗歌舞表演,心里剩下的又是甚麽呢?
- Danma's son Pema Oser and his nephew Dorje Osel are both monks, and both men are studies in the contradictions brought on by the new way of life. 丹玛的儿子佩玛奥瑟和侄子多列奥瑟尔都是僧人,他们在截然不同的新环境中学习。
- It is with a sad and heavy heart that I write to you today with the passing of His Holiness Drupwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche. 今天,我以一悲伤和沉重的心情,就竹旺。贝玛。诺布仁波切之入涅槃,向各位写信。
- For one thing, the landform and physiognomy of Pema Tang takes on eight auspicious natural phenomena and also looks like a full-blown lotus. 其地形地貌具有八吉祥的自然瑞相,亦像一朵盛开的莲花,因此得名白玛唐(莲花苑)。
- Photo 1.10 Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche III (second left) with his mother Pema Khandro (second right), Pema Lhadren (left) and Yeshe Thaye (right). 图1.;10依怙主敦珠甯波车第三世(左二)与母亲贝玛康卓(右二),啤吗哈尊(左)及移喜泰贤。
- Ani Pema currently teaches in the United States and Canada and plans for an increased amount of time in solitary retreat under the guidance of Venerable Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. 秋吉创巴仁波切给了她明确的指导以建立这个给西方僧人和尼姑的寺院。
- He stands alongside an esteemed group of elders such as Thich Nhat Hanh, Sharon Salzberg, Pema Chodron, and Joseph Goldstein in bringing mindfulness to the west. 不仅如此,他拥有的临床心理学博士学位让他能够更加方便研究正念与精神疗法的关系。
- Besides studying basic reading and writing under his maternal uncle, the 8th Pema Lingpa incarnation of Lhalung, from the age of eight he also attended to his father everyday. 在拉鲁,除了在他的舅舅第八世佩玛卡玛林巴学习基本的读写而外,从8岁开始他便参加他的父亲每天的政治、社交方面的活动。
- The Retreat Center of Great Perfection (Dzogpa Chenpo) at Pema Tang, a renowned shrine among the holy places of Dzogchen, was constructed by Dharma King Pema Kalsang in 2000. 佐钦白玛唐大圆满闭关中心于公元2000年由佐钦白玛格桑法王创建,是佐钦圣地中的圣地。
- At Palyul Monastery, he was formally recognized as the incarnation of the second Pema Norbu (1887 - 1932) and became the eleventh throne-holder of Palyul Lineage of Nyingmapa. 五岁时,贝诺法王被迎接至四川省德格白玉主寺行坐床典礼,确认为第二世贝诺法王(1887-1932)的转世及成为第十一代白玉传承持有者。