- PMV方程PMV equation
- PMV指标PMV index
- PMV-PPD指标PMV- PPD index
- 蒸气压方程vapor pressure equation
- 预计热舒适指标(PMV)PMV(Predicted Mean Vote)
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式)Maxwell field equations
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- 高次代数方程求根finding roots of polynomial equation
- 基于PMV的汽车空调系统模糊控制研究The Study of Illegibility Controlling of Automobile Air Conditioning System Based On PMV
- 初等常微分方程elementary ordinary differential equation
- 冬季采暖时PMV的图算和公式求解法初探Research on Calculate Method of PMV under Heating in Winter through Nomograph and Equation
- 声呐方程sonar equations
- 夏季空调时PMV的图算和公式求解法的探讨Research on Calculating Method of PMV through Nomograph and Equation under Air Conditioning in Summer
- 数学方程原理the theory of equations in mathematics
- 舒适性指标PMV在暖通空调控制中的应用Application of PMV Comfort Index to HVAC System Control
- WZ方程WZ equation
- 基于神经网络的室内热舒适指标PMV的预测Prediction of Thermal Comfort Parameter PMV Based on Neural Network