- Pacific economic outlook 太平洋地区经济展望
- The economic outlook is not good. 经济前景不乐观。
- The economic outlook be not good . 经济前景不乐观.
- The OECD issued its latest economic outlook. 经合组织发布了最新一期经济展望。
- The worsening of the economic outlook has serious consequences for jobs. 持续恶化的经济前景给工作形势带来了严重的影响。
- THERE were fresh signs this week that the economic outlook may be brightening. 本周有新迹象显示经济前景可能转好。
- The economic outlook is bright. 经济前景非常光明。
- They agree to meet in November in Hanoi at the meeting of the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Group. 双方同意11月在河内举行的亚太经济合作会议组见面。
- The 10th informal summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation was held in Los Cabos, Mexico from Oct. 26 to 27. 亚太经济合作组织第十次领导人非正式会议于10月26日至27日在墨西哥洛斯卡沃斯举行。
- We also welcome contributions by Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) in these areas. 我们还欢迎太平洋经济合作理事会在这些方面做出的努力。
- Grossman,H." Producers and Predators" ,Pacific Economic Review,3(1998),P.169- 187. 于建嵘:;2003年第3期;第1-16页.
- Moreover the current Fed chairman's comparatively benign view of the economic outlook seems to be in the ascendant. 此外,这位现任美联储主席对经济前景相对乐观的看法,似乎开始占上风。
- Menon J. , "Intra-Industry Trade and the ASEAN Free Trade Area", Pacific Economic Papers No. 251, 1996. 赵春明、李丽红:;载2002年第2期.
- People in economic circles seem to be more optimistic about the economic outlook. 经济界人士似乎对经济前景更为乐观。
- The HKSAR participates as a full and separate member in APEC and Pacific Economic Co-operation Council (PECC) as'Hong Kong,China'. 香港特区以“中国香港”的名义,并以单独成员的身分,参与亚太经合组织和太平洋经济合作议会。
- Our economic outlook depends increasingly upon the prospects of the Mainland economy. 本港与内地经济前景的关系愈来愈密切。
- Hong Kong joined PECC in May 1991,and participates in PECC's work through the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Co-operation (HKCPEC). 香港在一九九一年五月加入议会,并透过太平洋经济合作香港委员会参与议会工作。
- The economic outlook for the second half of the year is dimmer than in the first half. 下半年经济展望比上半年更不看好。
- Despite this cautiously optimistic economic outlook, we still need to address the problem of the fiscal deficit. 纵使我们对未来的经济发展审慎乐观,我们仍须处理严重的财赤问题。
- Hong Kong joined PECC in May 1991, and participates in PECC's work through the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Co-operation (HKCPEC). 香港在一九九一年五月加入议会,并透过太平洋经济合作香港委员会参与议会工作。