- We hope it will draw the attention of all comrades. 我们希望这能引起所有同志的注意。
- All comrades in the Party should firmly implant in mind this basic viewpoint and awareness on socialist reform and development. 全党同志必须牢固树立社会主义改革和发展的基本观点和自觉性。
- Happy New Year, all comrades present herre! 各位同志,新年好!
- All comrades in the Party, without exception, should subject themselves to Party consolidation. 全党同志都应该接受整党,谁也不能强调特殊。
- All comrades in the Party,without exception,should subject themselves to Party consolidation. 全党同志都应该接受整党,谁也不能强调特殊。
- He remained loyal to the Party all his life . 他一生都忠于党。
- He remained loyal to the Party all his life. 他一生都忠于党。
- All comrades in the Party should study the Party's policies and tactics carefully. This is the only way for us to become all powerful and invincible. 全党同志都要学好党的政策和策略,这样,我们才会无比的强大,谁也不能战胜我们。
- We laughed and had fun at the party all night long. 在聚会上,我们整个晚上都笑着,玩得很开心。
- All comrades in the Party,and especially Central Committee members and high-ranking cadres,should pay attention to these matters. 这个问题,全党同志要注意,特别是中央委员、高级干部,更要注意。
- All comrades in the Party should understand that the enemy is now completely isolated. But his isolation is not tantamount to our victory. 四、党同志须知,现在敌人已经彻底孤立了,但是敌人的孤立并不就等于我们的胜利。
- All comrades in the Party, and especially Central Committee members and high-ranking cadres, should pay attention to these matters. 这个问题,全党同志要注意,特别是中央委员、高级干部,更要注意。
- In this situation, all comrades must firmly grasp the general line of the Party, that is, the line of the new-democratic revolution. 在这种形势下面,全党同志必须紧紧地掌握党的总路线,这就是新民主主义革命的路线。
- All my friends are gonna come gonna party all night long. 我所有的朋友都将来到,整晚派对。
- Must be the Classical Music Club. I heard they party all the time. 一定是从古典音乐社传来的。我听说他们经常聚会。
- That club parties all the time.... must be nice. 那个社团总是办聚会,一定棒极了!
- Man, we had a great time, we partied all night! 天啊,我们简直开心透了,整晚都在狂欢!
- All comrades present here may be said to have been nourished by Mao Zedong Thought. 我们在座的同志,可以说都是毛泽东思想教导出来的。
- That club parties all the time. . . Must be nice. 那个社团总是办聚会,一定棒极了。
- I hope that all comrades here who are more than 60 will also make settling this question their primary task. 我希望在座的同志,凡是超过六十岁的同志,都把这个问题当作第一位的任务来解决。